Changes for page Zūm Net Device Setup

Last modified by Alexander Mott on 2024/10/22 19:55

From version 2.1
edited by Alexander Mott
on 2022/06/14 22:49
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To version 28.1
edited by Alexander Mott
on 2022/09/17 00:37
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1 +Zūm Net Device Setup
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1 -SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation Guide.WebHome
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3 +This article is for configuring Zūm Net devices using Crestron Toolbox. For instructions on configuring Zūm Wired rooms using the Crestron Zūm App, see [[this page>>SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.Wiring Guide.Zūm Wired System Overview.Crestron Zūm App Overview.WebHome]].
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3 -ZUMNET-JBOXs are part of Crestron's latest Zūm Wired system, acting as an Ethernet-to-Zūm Link bridge to convert between Ethernet and Zūm Link data traffic.
6 +{{box title="**CONTENTS**"}}
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5 -For SHOWRUNNER™ installations, the IP address of the DIN-CENCN-2 does not matter as long as it is in the same range as the processor and does not conflict with any other devices on the network. Instead, DIN-CENCN-2s are identified to the processor via their IP-ID. Note that which Cresnet devices are landed at each Net of each DIN-CENCN-2 matters, and if devices are moved between Nets or between DIN-CENCN-2s then the configuration will need to be updated (see below). Chief Integrations typically provides an SRTakeoff.xlsx spreadsheet with an IP Table tab that lists all the DIN-CENCN-2 IP-IDs in the program. If no takeoff is provided, then the processor's IP table can be checked by running the ##ipt -t ##command from the processor after the configuration is loaded. DIN-CENCN-2's will typically have IP-IDs in the "##Dx##" range.
10 +(% class="row" %)
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12 += Zūm Net Devices in SHOWRUNNER™ =
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7 -=== IP Configuration ===
14 +Zūm Net devices are part of Crestron's latest Zūm Wired system, acting as a the main lighting controller for a Zūm Wired room. In networked applications of Zūm Wired, they also act as bridges connecting the local Zūm Link devices in each room to the overall lighting network throughout the building. Since Zūm Link and Cresnet are [[interchangeable>>]], and Zūm Net is an Ethernet protocol, this means that Zūm Net devices can be thought of as single-net DIN-CENCN-2s. As of Summer 2022, there are only two Zūm Net devices that have been announced and are in production: the ZUMNET-JBOX-16A-LV 0-10V load controller and the ZUMNET-JBOX-DALI DALI load controller. Configuring these devices for use with SHOWRUNNER™ is identical, so they will be referred to collectively as ZUMNET-JBOXs for the purposes of this article.
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9 -Typically, each DIN-CENCN-2 will need to be initially configured via USB, unless their MAC addresses are already known and the lighting network has a DHCP server (either by running DHCP server software on your computer, or if the processor has a control subnet or is running the [[SHOWRUNNER™ DHCP Server>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ User Guide & Wiki.Troubleshooting.DHCP Server.WebHome]]).
16 +Much like DIN-CENCN-2s in SHOWRUNNER™ installations, ZUMNET-JBOXs identify themselves to the processor via their IP-ID, so the specific IP address of any given ZUMNET-JBOX does not matter as long as it is in the same range as the processor and does not conflict with any other devices on the network. If hosted devices are moved between ZUMNET-JBOXs, or if the ZUMNET-JBOX needs to have a different IP-ID than it was initially assigned, the configuration will need to be updated (see below). Chief Integrations typically provides an SRTakeoff.xlsx spreadsheet which will list all the Zūm Net and Zūm Link devices and their associated IP-IDs. If no takeoff is provided, then the processor's IP table can be checked by running the ##ipt -t ##command from the processor after the configuration is loaded. ZUMNET-JBOX's will typically start with IP-IDs in the 30-5F range, but can potentially exceed this range.
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11 -Whether connected to the DIN-CENCN-2 via USB or Ethernet, the process to configure the static IP addresses is the same:
18 += Identification and IP Configuration =
12 12  
13 -* Open Text Console in Toolbox and connect to the DIN-CENCN-2
14 -* Run the following commands to configure the DIN-CENCN-2's IP settings (example is for a ** style="color:darkgoldenrod" %)/24(%%)** subnet, with a CENCN-2 IP address of (% style="color:blue" %)****(%%), a CENCN-2 IP-ID of (% style="color:olive" %)**D1**(%%), a processor IP address of (% style="color:orange" %)****(%%), and a hostname of (% style="color:purple" %)**CENCN-L1**(%%))
15 -** Disable DHCP: ##dhcp 0 off##
16 -** Set IP address: ##ipa 0 (% style="color:blue" %)****(%%)##
20 +Configuring ZUMNET-JBOXs must be done over Ethernet, and is easiest to do once all ZUMNET-JBOXs have been installed, powered up, and connected to the lighting network. (It is not necessary for all Zūm Link devices to be installed in order to configure ZUMNET-JBOXs.)
21 +
22 +Since there is no option to configure ZUMNET-JBOXs via USB, a DHCP server is required. There are three options for DHCP servers:
23 +
24 +* Using a processor with a Control Subnet (only available on certain processors)
25 +* Using the built-in [[SHOWRUNNER™ DHCP Server>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ User Guide & Wiki.Troubleshooting.DHCP Server.WebHome]] (available on all processors running SHOWRUNNER™ v3.009 or newer)
26 +* Using third party DHCP server software on your computer
27 +
28 +Most devices (DIN-CENCN-2, TSW, ZUMNET-JBOXs) rely only on IP-ID to identify themselves to the processor, but some devices (such as GLPACs, DMX controllers, and other processors) have IP addresses that are explicitly defined in the configuration file. The DHCP server should be configured to assign IP addresses that are visible to the processor, but excluded from assigning these explicitly defined IP addresses if possible.
29 +
30 +Configuring ZUMNET-JBOXs can be broken up into two separate processes:
31 +
32 +1. Identifying which DHCP assigned IP address corresponds to each ZUMNET-JBOX
33 +1. Connecting to each ZUMNET-JBOX and assigning a permanent static IP address and IP-ID
34 +
35 +== Identifying ZUMNET-JBOXs ==
36 +
37 +Once all ZUMNET-JBOXs have been assigned temporary IP addresses from the DHCP server, they must each be identified so that the correct IP-ID can be assigned. The goal is to associate each assigned IP address with the room that each ZUMNET-JBOX is meant to control. Then we can connect to each ZUMNET-JBOX and set static IP addresses and update the IP table with the correct IP-ID.
38 +
39 +There are three primary ways of identifying ZUMNET-JBOXs:
40 +
41 +1. Identifying by hostname
42 +1. Identifying by serial number or MAC address
43 +1. Identifying through Device Tree View
44 +
45 +Each of these methods involves generating a Device Summary using the Device Discovery Tool in Toolbox. The Device Summary is a file which lists all devices that are discoverable on the network along with useful information such as their hostname, IP address, and MAC address.
46 +
47 +To generate a Device Summary in Toolbox:
48 +
49 +* Connect to the lighting network and open Device Discovery Tool in Toolbox
50 +* The Device Discovery tool will automatically report how many Ethernet devices have been discovered
51 +* Verify that the expected number of Ethernet devices have been discovered, including any TSWs, GLPACs, DIN-CENCN-2s, etc.
52 +** Note that only Crestron devices will appear in Device Discovery; non-Crestron devices (such as Pharos or Enttec DMX controllers) will not appear in Device Discovery Tool
53 +** If no devices are discovered, verify that your computer is connected to the network and your IP address is compatible with the network
54 +** If some devices are missing, there may be an issue with your DHCP server settings or the network wiring
55 +* Click the "Export..." button below the list of discovered devices
56 +** If this button says "Address Book", then Toolbox needs to be updated
57 +* Click the Write Device Summary button and save the Device Summary to your computer
58 +** Though saved as a text file, the Device Summary is actually a table of comma separated values
59 +** Renaming DeviceSummary.txt to DeviceSummary.csv will allow it to be opened and manipulated in common spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc
60 +
61 +Below is an example of a Device Summary for a fully-configured job:
62 +
63 +* DeviceSummary.txt:
64 +[[image:1655487020590-542.png]]
65 +* DeviceSummary.csv:
66 +[[image:1655487132138-904.png]]
67 +
68 +Once the Device Summary has been generated, proceed to identifying each ZUMNET-JBOX using the hostname, SN/MAC, or Device Tree View methods described below.
69 +
70 +=== Identifying by Hostname ===
71 +
72 +The Crestron Zūm App is used to configure the internal logic of Zūm Wired rooms. This internal logic determines the room behavior when ZUMNET-JBOXs are used in standalone applications or if communication to the processor is lost. Even on SHOWRUNNER™ jobs with a central program running the lighting controls, it is best practice to configure the internal logic to match as closely as possible the SHOWRUNNER™ logic in order to minimize disruption to end-users in the event of a processor or network failure.
73 +
74 +In addition to configuring default room logic, the Crestron Zūm App can be used to change the hostname of the ZUMNET-JBOX for each room. By default, the hostname for a ZUMNET-JBOX is the model followed by the last six digits of the MAC address, e.g. "ZUMNET-JBOX-16A-LV-F2DA94". If you or the electrical contractor already intend to configure the internal logic each ZUMNET-JBOX, it would be a good idea to also change the hostname to something more identifiable.
75 +
76 +To change the hostname using the Crestron Zūm App:
77 +
78 +* Connect to the ZUMNET-JBOX in the App
79 +* Tap "Room Settings"
80 +* Tap "Network"
81 +* Tap the Hostname field and edit the Hostname
82 +* Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap "Save settings"
83 +* Tap "OK" to apply the changes and reboot the ZUMNET-JBOX
84 +** Note that rebooting the JBOX will cause the lights to briefly cut out
85 +
86 +If all hostnames have been set, then it becomes very easy to know which DHCP assigned IP address is associated with each room using the Device Summary. Generate a Device Summary with the new hostnames and proceed to IP configuration.
87 +
88 +Full instructions on configuring Zūm Wired using the Crestron Zūm App, can be found [[here>>SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.Wiring Guide.Zūm Wired System Overview.Crestron Zūm App Overview.WebHome]].
89 +
90 +=== Identifying by Serial Number or MAC Address ===
91 +
92 +Both the serial number and MAC address are printed onto each ZUMNET-JBOX. Just like with Cresnet jobs, it is good practice for the electrical contractor to record serial numbers as they install devices. It is also good to collect the MAC addresses, but it is not necessary since Device Summary will have both the serial number and MAC address.
93 +
94 +If the electrical contractor has provided a list of which serial numbers/MAC addresses belong to each installed ZUMNET-JBOX, then generate a Device Summary and proceed to IP configuration.
95 +
96 +=== Identifying through Network Device Tree View ===
97 +
98 +If the electrical contractor has not provided a list of which serial numbers/MAC addresses belong to each installed ZUMNET-JBOX and nobody intends to rename each ZUMNET-JBOX using the Crestron Zūm App, then the only way to identify which ZUMNET-JBOX is installed where is to use the Device Tree View tool in Toolbox. This is by far the slowest and most disruptive way to identify devices, so it is only recommended as a last resort.
99 +
100 +Putting a ZUMNET-JBOX into identify mode will make it continuously produce an alarm-clock sound and flash any connected loads. Additionally, putting a device into identify mode will stop any programs running on a processor, and taking a device out of identify mode will restart the program. This starting/stopping of the program can be time consuming when a large number of devices are being identified, so it may be a good idea to suspend the program using the ##stopprog -p:01## command on the processor prior to identifying devices. Once all the devices are identified, run the ##progreset## command to resume the program.
101 +
102 +* Generate a Device Summary and note the IP addresses for all installed ZUMNET-JBOXs
103 +* Connect to the first ZUMNET-JBOX using Network Device Tree View
104 +* Locate the "ZUMNET-JBOX-xx-xx-LOCAL" device in the list of connected devices
105 +** The model will vary between 0-10V and DALI JBOXs
106 +** The ID should be "03" regardless of model
107 +* Right click the device and press "Identify This Device..." from the context menu
108 +* The device will blink any attached fixtures and make an alarm sound
109 +* Walk around the jobsite until the room/controlled fixtures are located
110 +* Edit the Device Summary or SRTakeoff.xlsx so that you remember which JBOX is which
111 +* Repeat for each ZUMNET-JBOX until all of the ZUMNET-JBOXs have been identified
112 +
113 +Once you have determined and recorded which ZUMNET-JBOX is which, you may proceed to IP configuration.
114 +
115 +== Assigning Permanent Static IP Addresses and IP-IDs ==
116 +
117 +Once you have identified which IP address has been assigned to each ZUMNET-JBOX, you can begin configuring them with permanent static IP addresses and the correct IP-ID:
118 +
119 +* Open Text Console in Toolbox and connect to the first ZUMNET-JBOX
120 +* Run the following commands to configure the ZUMNET-JBOXs IP settings (example is for a ** style="color:darkgoldenrod" %)/24(%%)** subnet, with a permanent IP address of (% style="color:blue" %)****(%%), an IP-ID of (% style="color:olive" %)**30**(%%), a processor IP address of (% style="color:orange" %)****(%%), and a hostname of (% style="color:#800080" %)**ZNET-JBOX-RM-201**(%%); the hostname can be skipped if it has already been configured from the Crestron Zūm App)
121 +** Disable DHCP: ##dhcp off##
122 +** Set IP address: ##ipa 0 (% style="color:blue" %)****(%%)##
17 17  ** Set IP subnet mask: ##ipm 0 (% style="color:darkgoldenrod" %)****(%%)##
18 18  ** Set default gateway: ##defr 0 ****##
19 -** Update IP table: ##addm (% style="color:olive" %)**D1**(%%) (% style="color:orange" %)****(%%)##
20 -** Set hostname: ##host (% style="color:purple" %)**CENCN-L1**(%%)##
21 -** Reboot the DIN-CENCN-2: ##reboot##
22 -* Repeat for all DIN-CENCN-2s on the job
125 +** Update IP table: ##addm (% style="color:olive" %)**30**(%%) (% style="color:orange" %)****(%%)##
126 +** Set hostname: ##host (% style="color:purple" %)**ZNET-JBOX-RM-201**(%%)##
127 +** Reboot the ZUMNET-JBOX: ##reboot##
128 +*** Note that rebooting the JBOX will cause the lights to briefly cut out
129 +* Repeat for all ZUMNET-JBOXs on the job
23 23  
24 -=== Moving Cresnet Devices ===
131 += Zūm Net Specific Configuration =
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26 -In SHOWRUNNER™, which Net each Cresnet cable is landed on is important. Each DIN-CENCN-2 is firmware limited to a maximum of 25 Cresnet devices per Net, and which CENCN-2/Net each device is on is tracked in the configuration file. If devices are moved between DIN-CENCN-2s or moved between Nets on the same DIN-CENCN-2, then the configuration file must be updated. Every device in the configuration has a ##"DeviceHostId"## (the host DIN-CENCN-2's IP-ID) and a ##"DeviceHostBranch"## (the Net of the DIN-CENCN-2) associated with it.
133 +Zūm Net devices have a two additional settings not present for other devices: Zūm/Cresnet mode and Master/Slave mode. ZUMNET-JBOXs should ship as Master devices in Zūm Mode from the factory, and this is typically the desired setting.
27 27  
28 -When moving devices between Nets or between DIN-CENCN-2's it is important to keep in mind several things:
135 +== m/Cresnet Mode ==
29 29  
30 -1. Cresnet IDs (##"DeviceConnectionId"##) cannot conflict with the Cresnet ID of any other devices defined in the config on the same host ID and branch
31 -1. Cresnet IDs must be in the hexadecimal range 03 to 1B
32 -1. Any children devices (such as NS occ sensors, photocells, GLPPA-KP keypads, etc.) must also be moved. If the parent Cresnet ID is changed then the children IDs must also be updated
33 -1. If devices are moved from a DIN-CENCN-2 to be landed directly on a processor (or landed on a DIN-HUB on a processor), then the device host ID should be ##null## and the host branch should be ##0##
137 +Zūm Mode (also known as App Mode) is the default setting for new ZUMNET-JBOXs, and allows them to be configured from the Crestron Zūm App. If a ZUMNET-JBOX is put into Cresnet mode, it will no longer be able to be configured using the Crestron Zūm App and all internal logic will be disabled. Generally, Cresnet mode is only required if non-Zūm Link devices are connected to the ZUMNET-JBOX (e.g. a GL-EXP-DIMU-CN phase dimmer or C2N-CBD-P Cameo keypads) or if certain SHOWRUNNER™ features are required (such as changing the dimming response curve).
138 +
139 +The commands to view or change the Zūm/Cresnet mode are:
140 +
141 +* View current mode: ##zwmode##
142 +* Make Zūm/App mode: ##zwmode zum##
143 +* Make Cresnet mode: ##zwmode cnet##
144 +
145 +A reboot is required if the mode is to be changed. Note that this command will also display the current Master/Slave mode, but will not allow you to change it.
146 +
147 +== Master/Slave Mode ==
148 +
149 +ZUMNET-JBOXs ship in "Master" mode by default, and generally this is how they should be configured. "Slave" mode effectively turns a ZUMNET-JBOX into a ZUMLINK-JBOX. There are two scenarios in which a ZUMNET-JBOX will need to be configured in "Slave" mode:
150 +
151 +1. It is connected to another ZUMNET-JBOX via the Zūm Link bus
152 +1. It is being used as a Cresnet device, connected to a processor or DIN-CENCN-2 using a Cresnet/Zūm Link adapter
153 +
154 +The commands to view or change the Master/Slave mode are:
155 +
156 +* View current mode: ##zwms##
157 +* Make "master": ##zwms master##
158 +* Make "slave": ##zwms slave##
159 +
160 +A reboot is required if the mode is to be changed.
161 +
162 += Changing IP-IDs =
163 +
164 +If ZUMNET-JBOXs must be assigned different IP-IDs than indicated in the SRTakeoff.xlsx, or if Zūm Link devices are moved between ZUMNET-JBOXs, then the configuration file must be updated. Every Zūm Link device in the configuration has a ##"DeviceHostId"## associated with it, which corresponds to the IP-ID of the ZUMNET-JBOX hosting it.
165 +
166 +If a Zūm Link device is moved from one ZUMNET-JBOX to another, then this ##"DeviceHostId"## must be updated with the IP-ID of the new device.
167 +
168 +If a ZUMNET-JBOX is assigned a different IP-ID, then it's own ##"DeviceHostId"## as well as the ##"DeviceHostId"## for all hosted Zūm Link devices must be changed to the new IP-ID. In addition to changing these ##"DeviceHostId"##, the ##"IpId"## for the associated entry in ##"IpDevices"## must be updated. ##"IpDevices"## are located towards the beginning of the configuration file. Note that while the ##"DeviceHostId"## is in hexadecimal, the ##"IpId"## is a decimal integer. This means that a ZUMNET-JBOX with ##"DeviceHostId": "31"## would be associated with an entry in ##"IpDevices"## with ##"IpId": 49##
169 +
170 +Below are two snippets from a configuration file comparing a ZUMNET-JBOX-16A-LV lighting controller and it's associated entry in ##"IpDevices"##:
171 +
172 +[[image:1655247008527-737.png]]
173 +
174 +[[image:1655246948921-246.png]]
175 +
176 += Problems Connecting to Zūm Room (Error 13) =
177 +
178 +{{display excludeFirstHeading="true" reference="SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.Wiring Guide.Zūm Wired System Overview.Crestron Zūm App Overview.WebHome" section="HProblemsConnectingtoZ16BmRoom28Error1329"/}}
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