Last modified by Alexander Mott on 2023/07/07 15:17

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1 ===== Use ShowRunnerCLC™ version 3.010 or later =====
3 Terminology:
5 * Client Processor - Processor that will interact with hardware attached to the host processor.
6 * CWS - Crestron Web Server, the processor's internal web server
7 * Host Processor (Server) - Processor that hosts the physical hardware
8 * LWAPI - Lightweight API (CoAP)
9 * User Page Auth - Requires a username and password to access the internal web server (CWS) on the processor.  3-series always has this enabled if authentication is activated.  4-series processors have an option to have user page auth on or not (default is off).
11 Steps:
13 1. [[Setup Host Processor>>WebHome||anchor="Host processor (LWAPI Server) Setup (DIN-AP3 @"]]
14 11. Verify processor configuration
15 11. Verify LWAPI is enabled
16 11. Create API User
17 11. Create CWS User (if necessary)
18 11. Save the configuration
19 1. [[Setup Client Processor>>WebHome||anchor="Client processor (LWAPI Client) Setup (DIN-AP4) Version 3.011 or newer"]]
20 11. Define the remote system
21 11. Setup auth for the remote system
22 11. Save the configuration
23 1. Verify successful communications with the following commands:
24 11. On host, verify the client shows up as a web session: ##sr sh lwapi serv cli##
25 11. On client, verify the session with the host: ##sr sh lwapi cli br##
27 ===== Host processor (LWAPI Server) Setup (e.g. DIN-AP3 @ =====
29 Steps 1-3 and 5 always needed.
31 1. If 3-series, Enable Authentication [##authentication on##] or SSL [##ssl self##] if not already enabled.  4-Series have authentication enabled by default.  User Page Auth should be turned off on 4-series.
32 1. Enable LWAPI
33 From Console (v 3.011 or later; processor will automatically restart):
34 ## sr lwapi enable true##
35 In Config (@ root level; reloading the configuration is required):
36 ## "LwApiEnable": true,
37 "LwApiSecurityLevel": "Auth",##
38 1. Create an API User and record the Key and Secret.  User group must have //LWAPI //role and //Execute //permissions.  This allows the  //Lightweight API Users// group has been created for this purpose:
39 ##DIN-AP3>sradmin add api user "Central Control" "Lightweight API Users"
40 API User Central Control generated with Group permissions Lightweight API Users and Key: (% style="color:blue" %)**YTd2pQn7sjwiOWD9NqCIWw**(%%) Secret: (% style="color:orange" %)**OeiQEFo_-EDfc7sQe_qRpeQzSkZjylV2roa76utpJLI**(%%)##
41 1. If 3-series w/ auth enabled or 4-series with user page auth enabled then add a remote user with permissions to connect to the control system.  This is done by adding a local user to the system with user privileges.  Sample values shown, do not re-use these.
42 ##DIN-AP3>adduser -N:(% style="color:purple" %)**lwapi**(%%) -P:(% style="color:darkgoldenrod" %)**dMFN9pJJXjWLGd7t**(%%)
43 User account was successfully created.
44 DIN-AP3>addusertogroup -N:lwapi -G:Users
45 'lwapi' was successfully added to group 'Users'.##
46 1. Save the configuration
48 ===== Client processor (LWAPI Client) Setup (e.g. DIN-AP4) Version 3.011 or newer =====
50 Steps 1-3 always needed. **Note:** host and client processors must be able to communicate with each other to use this method (i.e. the network must be configured and both processors must have SHOWRUNNER™ program and configuration loaded).
52 1. Define remote system in the config:
53 ## "RemoteSystems": [
54 {
55 "SystemId": (% style="color:darkcyan" %)1(%%),
56 "IpAddressOrHostname": "",
57 "Label": "HUB-1-1",
58 "ConnectionType": "LWAPI"
59 },
60 ],##
61 1. Add Users :
62 if CWS User is not needed:
63 ##DIN-AP4>sr remote system auth (% style="color:darkcyan" %)**1**(%%) (% style="color:blue" %)**YTd2pQn7sjwiOWD9NqCIWw**(%%) (% style="color:orange" %)**OeiQEFo_-EDfc7sQe_qRpeQzSkZjylV2roa76utpJLI**(%%)##
64 if CWS User is needed:
65 ##DIN-AP4>sr remote system auth (% style="color:darkcyan" %)**1**(%%) (% style="color:blue" %)**YTd2pQn7sjwiOWD9NqCIWw**(%%) (% style="color:orange" %)**OeiQEFo_-EDfc7sQe_qRpeQzSkZjylV2roa76utpJLI **(% style="color:purple" %)**lwapi**(%%)** (% style="color:darkgoldenrod" %)dMFN9pJJXjWLGd7t(%%)**
66 Success##
67 1. Save the configuration
69 ===== Client processor (LWAPI Client) Setup (e.g. DIN-AP4) Version 3.010 or earlier =====
71 Steps 1-3 and 6 always needed.
73 1. Define remote system in the config:
74 ## "RemoteSystems": [
75 {
76 "SystemId": (% style="color:darkcyan" %)1(%%),
77 "IpAddressOrHostname": "",
78 "Label": "HUB-1-1",
79 "ConnectionType": "LWAPI"
80 },
81 ],##
82 1. Add remote user for LWAPI (this is the key and secret created on the host):
83 ##DIN-AP4>sradmin add remote user HUB-1 (% style="color:blue" %)**YTd2pQn7sjwiOWD9NqCIWw**(%%) (% style="color:orange" %)**OeiQEFo_-EDfc7sQe_qRpeQzSkZjylV2roa76utpJLI**(%%)
84 Remote User HUB-1 ((% style="color:green" %)//**1a920b8b-3ab8-44bd-bc7b-0fc77abf0a13**//(%%)) added with Group permissions Remote Connection##
85 1. Assign users to the remote connection, System ID in this example is 1.  API user is to authenticate with the API.  CWS user is to authenticate with the Crestron Web Server before authenticating with the ShowRunner REST API:
86 ##DIN-AP4>sradmin assign remote user API (% style="color:darkcyan" %)**1**(%%) (% style="color:green" %)//**1a920b8b-3ab8-44bd-bc7b-0fc77abf0a13**//(%%)##
87 ##User HUB-1 assigned to remote system 1:HUB-1-1 for API Authorization##
89 1. If 3-series w/ auth enabled or 4-series with user page auth enabled then add a remote user with permissions to connect to the control system.
90 ##DIN-AP4>sradmin add remote user HUB-1_CWS (% style="color:purple" %)**lwapi**(%%)** (% style="color:darkgoldenrod" %)dMFN9pJJXjWLGd7t(%%)**
91 Remote User HUB-1_CWS ((% style="color:red" %)//**d7c88ecb-7212-4e8b-8749-ddca759c6a62**//(%%)) added with Group permissions Remote Connectio##
92 1. If Necessary:
93 ##DIN-AP4>sradmin assign remote user CWS (% style="color:darkcyan" %)**1**(%%) (% style="color:red" %)//**d7c88ecb-7212-4e8b-8749-ddca759c6a62**//(%%)
94 User HUB-1_CWS assigned to remote system 1:HUB-1-1 for API Authorization##
95 1. Save the configuration and restart ShowRunner™