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1 ShowRunnerCLC™ supports a number of integration options
3 * [[BACnet>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Integrations Guide.Integration Options.ShowRunner BACNET Points.WebHome]]
4 * [[DMX Input via Pharos>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Integrations Guide.Integration Options.DMX Input via Pharos.WebHome]]
5 * [[eDMX input via sACN/ArtNet Receive>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Integrations Guide.Integration Options.sACN and ArtNet Receive.WebHome]]
6 * [[Ethernet Intersystem Communications Export (Crestron)>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Integrations Guide.Integration Options.Ethernet Intersystem Communications (Crestron).WebHome]]
7 * [[Ethernet Intersystem Communications Import (Crestron)>>Ethernet Intersystem Communications Import (Crestron)]]
8 * [[Extensions>>Extensions]]
9 * [[HTTPS REST API>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Integrations Guide.Integration Options.HTTP REST API.WebHome]]
10 * [[LWAPI Crestron S# Library and Modules>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Integrations Guide.Integration Options.CoAP with Crestron S# Library and Modules.WebHome]]
11 * [[Serial Interface>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Integrations Guide.Integration Options.SHOWRUNNER™ Serial Interface.WebHome]]
12 * [[TCP Interface>>SHOWRUNNER™ Integrations Guide.Integration Options.TCP Interface.WebHome]]
13 * [[UDP Input>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Integrations Guide.Integration Options.UDP Input.WebHome]]