ShowRunner can accept commands via UDP.  Feedback is not provided.

Enable the UDP listener by specifying a port in the config:

    "ListenPort": 45794

Commands are sent to objects by GlobalId followed by the Action and then any relevant Properties (Properties are interpreted in the order shown) and terminated with a carriage return. 

To obtain a list of GlobalIds for objects use console command sr show global ids

To obtain a list of Actions available by object type use console command sr show actions

Example Recall Scene on Area 51:

From "sr show global ids":

| ID  | Type            | Name                             |
| 51  | Area            | Boardroom A                      |


From "sr show actions":

| Type            | Action                        | Description                                              | Reference Property | Ref Req | Triggers        | Supported Properties                                                           |
| Area            | RecallScene                   | Recalls the specified scene on this load                 | SceneId            | False   | Digital, Analog | 'SceneId'emoticon_unhappyInteger)'Scene Number to recall'                                    |

UDP Command to send:


Created by Mark Kohlmann on 2021/01/20 18:13