Extensions allow Chief Integrations and 3rd Parties to develop libraries that interact directly with ShowRunner's runtime environment.  This is a new feature introduced in ShowRunner version 3.011.  Documentation will be updated as new features are added.  ShowRunner is built on .NET CF 3.5, extensions will also need to be built on the same framework and signed by Crestron's plugin to be loaded by ShowRunner.

Extensions are loaded and registered before any ShowRunner objects are created.  Initialization is sent to extensions once the ShowRunner environment has finished loading.

Extension TypeDescriptionMinimum Supported Version 
GenericGeneric extension that will automatically be instantiated at startup.3.011 
Load ControllerCreate a custom load controller to override ShowRunner default controllers or add your own.3.012 
TouchpanelIncorporate custom touchpanel logic.TBD 


Created by Mark Kohlmann on 2021/12/10 16:58