Why is this an issue?

Crestron released SmartGraphics around 10 years ago as their next generation touchpanel/user interface platform.  They built the platform on Adobe Flash technology.  SmartGraphics has been the only native and officially supported way of delivering an interface for Crestron systems until the end of 2020 when Crestron released their HTML5 UI platform.  There is no path to convert an existing interface to HTML5 and the technology requires a complete build from scratch.

Adobe Flash End of Life

On December 31st, 2020 Adobe Flash reached end of life - security fixes will no longer be provided.  Browsers and Operating Systems are removing support for Flash starting January 1st, 2021 and the existing ShowRunnerCLC™ XPanel interface will no longer be accessible.  In November 2020 Crestron released a tool to allow the XPanel to be invoked using a link from a webpage.  The new approach requires the installation of an application on the computer accessing the system.  A link for the application is provided when accessing ShowRunnerCLC™'s webpage.  Version 2.201 and later of ShowRunner use this new approach.  It is recommended that all sites be updated 2.201 or later of ShowRunnerCLC™.

  • Option 1: Update ShowRunnerCLC™ to versions 2.201 or later and install the Crestron XPanel application
    • Access the XPanel following the instructions for v2.201 or Newer
  • Option 2: Do not upgrade ShowRunnerCLC™
    • Access the XPanel following instructions for v2.200 or Older

ShowRunnerHUB™ HTML5 Interface

ShowRunner™ versions 3.000 and newer include an HTML5 interface by default. This interface is accessed by connecting to the lighting network and navigating to "https://[processor IP]/cws/showrunner/app/" in a web browser, and most processors will automatically redirect if only the IP address is entered. 

Statements from Manufacturers

Adobe's Statement on Flash EOL:

Crestron's Statement on Flash EOL (Section Custom User Smart Graphics Web XPanel Conversion applies to ShowRunnerCLC™):

Created by Mark Kohlmann on 2021/01/06 23:52