Version 4.2 by Mark Kohlmann on 2022/10/14 18:39
SHOWRUNNER™ has a large number of features focused on the needs of the commercial lighting and hospitality markets and is adaptable to the residential market.
Area Features
- Lighting Loads
- Scene recall
- Master raise/lower
- User configurable scene name, fade time, and load include by scene
- Individual load control within an area
- Select area from touchpanel, areas can be restricted by panel
- RGB controls for applicable fixtures, saved per scene
- Configurable Load Grouping for load consolidation including linked/group area loads
- Dynamic White/Circadian Rhythm CCT Control
- CCT Control per area for applicable fixtures
- Global schedule for CCT, astronomical and/or fixed schedules
- Manual CCT override per area
- Crestron GLS-LCCT (SolarSync™) sensor integration for daylight tracking
- Demand Response with ability to exclude area from Demand Response event
- Configurable load grouping allows aggregation of loads to a single slider per group, can include linked areas
- HVAC Control
- Shades
- Occupancy Features
- Occupancy Modes
- Occupancy
- Vacancy
- Disabled
- Use Hardware Logic (if supported by edge controller)
- Extend occupancy timeout by user specified seconds, can be scheduled
- Configurable occupied and vacant scenes, scheduled
- Configurable grace occupancy support without needing support in hardware
- Occupancy Modes
- After Hours support for automatic shutoff after configurable timeout w/ alerting
- Parent Area feature allows one area to trickle down scene recall and raise/lower (if enabled)
- Last Scene Recall timestamp and triggering action recorded
Load Features
- Dynamically assigned/unassigned at runtime to areas
- Supported load types
- Single Channel
- Dynamic White/CCT
- Warm/Cool
- Intensity/CCT
- DALI Type 8
- Pharos Dynamic White
- Color Picker
- W/A channels can be controlled individually or mixed (Pharos)
- Supported load behaviors
- Dimmable
- Switched
- Plug Load
- Dimming Curves
- Unaffected
- Linear
- Linear No Zero Pass (support for EM lights that are not allowed to turn off i.e. Chicago 10%)
- Logarithmic
- Non Dim
- S Curve
- Soft Linear
- Square
- Always On
- Inverse Log
- Custom based on input output ranges
- Min/Mix Trim, performed in hardware if supported
- Override Level, performed in hardware if supported
- Unoccupied Level
- Demand Response Level
- Enable/Disable/Override states
- Option to ignore long fade times if the loads is off
- Option recall last level
- Individual daylight harvesting settings, enabled/disabled by scene
- Open/closed loop
- Min/Max levels
- Sensitivity
- Fade time
- Loads may track other loads
- Remap channels for unusual fixture channel mappings
- Raise/lower, performed with software fade engine if not supported by hardware
- Dynamic White/Circadian Rhythm CCT
- Custom CCT curves per load or default algorithm
- Min/Max CCT per load
- Support for Warm/Cool or Intensity/CCT fixture types
- Configurable automatic fixture shut off if outside CCT range
- Crestron GLS-LCCT (SolarSync™) sensor integration for daylight tracking
- Load flashing for identification
- Verified timestamp option
- Addressing/Grouping/Driver Replacement for DALI. DALI groups are referenced by their controlled load simplifying addressing and replacement procedures.
Scheduling Features
- Algorithm based scheduling engine ensures predictable operation year after year with no need to specifically specify each day
- Area and/or Tag based schedules
- Individual global events or grouped events
- showrunner™ HUB UI Features
- Day/Week/Month/Time Grid views display all events calculated by the scheduler engine
- Tree based event/event groups
- View Built-In Calendars and Groups
- Create/Edit/Delete Custom Calendars and Groups
- Execute last event on startup (configurable) to bring system in to correct state
- Configurable Actions
- Scene w/ option to override fade time
- Change Keypad State (Enable/Disable/Disable Off)
- Change Occupancy Mode (Occupancy/Vacancy/Disable/Last/Use Hardware)
- Switch between Normal and After Hours (for Timeout)
- Change CCT Mode (Auto/Manual)
- Assign Manual CCT
- Extend Occupancy Timeout setting
- Change Scenes Recalled by Occupied/Vacant/On/Off
- Shade Command (Open/Close)
- Plug Load Mode (Off/On/Auto)
- Copy Actions from Area to Area
- AM, PM, and Relative to Astronomical (Sunrise/Sunset) Time References
- Event Verification by Date in real-time with month calendar view and event description
- Require a scene to be active before recalling the scheduled scene (optional)
- Advanced Scheduling Feature (Licensed)
- Event Include and/or Exclude by Calendar(s) and/or Calendar Group(s)
- Calendar Groups consist of one or more Calendars
- Calendars can be based on a Date Range or Date Pattern
- Calendar Properties:
- Date Range:
- Start and End Dates
- Specific Dates selected using Date Picker
- Recur Annually Option
- Date Pattern:
- Year - Restrict to specific year or none
- Month - Restrict to specific Month(s) or none
- Week - Restrict to specific Week of the month or none
- Week Day - Restrict to specific day of the week or none
- Day - Restrict to a specific day of the month or none
- Optional: Offset - Offset date based on restrictions
- Optional: Calculate Observed Weekday Date Before, After, or BeforeOrAfter
- Enable/Disable
- Date Range:
- Pre-loaded with US Federal and common non-Federal US Holidays
Supported Hardware Features
- Common Settings to all devices
- Contractor Label
- Name
- GlobalId
- UniqueId (GUID)
- Keypads
- Support for common fixed configurations, user assignable at runtime
- Custom keypads with configurable actions per button at runtime
- Graphic based programming using showrunner™ HUB UI
- Master raise/lower button support allows assignment of currently selected load/shade/area/etc
- Custom button layouts w/ labels to assist with generating engravings
- Flexible Templating Engine
- Create common keypad templates
- Apply keypad templates to individual keypads
- Remap hardware when template is applied
- Optionally exclude specific hardware and/or buttons
- User configurable area to control
- Enable/Disable/Disable Off states
- Prevent disable option
- Flip raise/lower on common keypad types
- Configurable hold time support, done in software if not supported by hardware
- Configurable double tap time support if supported by hardware
- Simulate keypads from showrunner™ HUB UI or console
- Direct load mapping for some common keypads
- Keyswitch and Contact Closure Inputs
- Supports all versiport and digital inputs
- Maintained and Momentary supported
- Feedback output supported
- Functions
- Override
- Scene Recall for Active and Inactive States
- Demand Response
- Actions for Active and Inactive States
- Occupancy Sensors:
- Occupancy configuration for CN and ZUMLINK occupancy sensors
- 3rd Party and Non-System occupancy sensor support
- Occupancy/Vacancy/Disabled/Use Hardware Logic modes, user configurable
- Configure scenes recalled by area for occupancy and vacancy states
- Individual max unoccupied level by load for IECC 2018 C405.2.1.3 compliance
- User configurable assignment of sensor to area(s) and load(s)
- Occupancy sensors may feed data to multiple areas and loads
- Last occupied and vacant times recorded
- Partition sensors
- Support for divisible areas
- GLS-PART-CN with adjustable sensitivity
- 3rd party sensor support via hardware inputs
- User configurable Auto, Combined, and Divided
- Filtering to ignore noisy partition sensors
- Change count and last change recorded
Energy Efficiency
- Demand Response/Load Shedding
- Automatic via sensor input
- Manually via keypad
- Calculated or Measured Power (Watts)
- Energy Efficiency visualization on floorplan
- Touchscreens: Global User and Technician Passcodes, user configurable.
- showrunner™ HUB
- Role Based permissions by Group
- Granular Create, Edit, View, Delete, and Execute permissions by Role
- Users and API Users assignable to groups
- Restrict Group by area and tag
- HTTPS enforced
- Auto session timeout
- Login via username/password or PIN code
- Support for Processor or internal user database
- Best practices for password handling
- API Users using AWSv4 scheme for authentication per request for maximum security
System Settings
- User configurable time zone, location, and current time
- Addressing and Verification of Cresnet devices by serial number
- Cresnet Device Serial Number capture
- Configurable Global Actions with touchpanel trigger
- Remote hardware support from neighbor ShowRunner System:
- Allows a master ShowRunner system to integrate slave processors
- AV Serial Interface
- Loads
- Controllers
- Keypad
- Keyswitches
- Occupancy Sensor (including setup for Cresnet sensors)
- Partition Sensors (including setup for Cresnet sensors)
- Photocells
- Web based reporting directly from the processor allows generation of as built documentation: Cresnet Discovery, Device Status, Event Schedule, Keypad Schedule, Load Schedule, and Panel Schedule
- AV Integration protocol via serial port
- BACNET Support for integration of Areas, Loads (Licensed Feature)
- Crestron Fusion (Licensed Feature)
- E-DMX Receiver
- SACN or Art-Net
- Enable/Disable control for loads
- Map DMX to showrunner loads
- EISC Export for AV Integration, dynamic creation from the UI (3-series, classic, EISC Client, EISC Server, VC-4 Client)
- HTTP REST API w/ Authorization
- Lightweight API provides real-time control/feedback of hardware using CoAP
- Zum Floor Hub Support for integration, Export showrunner™ areas to the Floor Hub (Licensed Feature)
ShowRunner provides a website via the processor's internal webserver with the following reports. All data is live at the time of the generation of the report.
- Area Load Schedule - Load schedule by Area
- Area Scene Schedule - Scene settings by Area
- Area - Areas defined
- Cresnet Discovery - Performs an auto-discovery on every attached Cresnet bus and returns the results in a table. Duplicates are identified.
- Device Status - Provides Cresnet, Ethernet, and Device online status and associated devices. Cresnet devices include Serial Number [TSID] and version #.
- Event Schedule - Provides configured lat/lon, timezone, sunrise and sunset for current date, scheduled events with associated actions, and Calendars (Advanced Calendaring)
- Keypad Schedule - Provides a list of keypads with Model, Name, Type, Connection Details, Enabled Status, Online Status, settings, and custom actions (if defined)
- Load Schedule - Provides a list of loads per module per panel with connection information and settings. Report is grouped by panel and module.
- Panel Schedule - Provides a list of lighting modules by panel with module type, label, and connection information.