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1 Crestron 3-series processors with authentication enabled* or 4-series processors with User Page Authentication enabled will require a username and password to obtain the custom logo hosted by the processor's internal web server.  ShowRunnerCLC™ version 3.010 introduces the ability to pass the credentials to the touchpanel as part of the URL.  This article shows the steps necessary to enable this feature.
3 * Connect to the processor's console via SSH with a user with admin rights on the processor.
4 * Enter "##sradmin create sradmin user (Username) (Password)##" where Username and Password are the credentials for a user with admin rights on the processor.
5 Example: ##sradmin create sradmin user admin MySuper$3cr!P@sS##
6 * Create the CWS User that will be used to access the web server: "##sradmin create cws user##"
7 //Note: ShowRunner creates a user with a random suffix for the username and a highly secure randomly generated password.  Make sure SSL is enabled between your touchpanel and the control system.  This user has limited rights and inherits "Users" level permissions on the control system.//
8 * The touchpanel should now show the custom logo.
10 If you'd like to see the users created type "listusers":
11 ##MC4>listusers
12 TableStart: [ User List ]
13 User | Access Level | Groups
14 ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~--+~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-+~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~--
15 ...
16 SrAdmin-CwvWnRf91S4 | Administrator | Administrators
17 SrCws-7VKKMhqvJwE | User | Users      ##
20 If the custom logo still does not show on the touchscreen, it may be due to certificate issues. To resolve certificate errors, see [[here>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ User Guide & Wiki.SHOWRUNNER™ Appendix.Resolving Certificate Errors on Touchscreens.WebHome]].
22 ~* As of 3/1/2022, Crestron firmware version 1.8001.0133 now enables User Page Authentication to be disabled on 3-Series processors using the command "##userpageauth off##", allowing Touchscreens to access custom logo files without creating these users.