Legacy Hardware (Cresnet)

Last modified by Craig Lewis on 2024/12/02 14:48

Older systems with Legacy Hardware not in SIMPL# library, such as CNLDM-6 or GLPACs, wired to the processor via Cresnet can be added to ShowRunnerCLC™ by created a program for slot 2. 

  • Create a SIMPL windows program
  • Add the Legacy Hardware or GLPAC-DIMFLV8 (Cresnet) to the appropriate Cresnet IDs
  • Define the Level In and Level Out analog signals on the GLPAC Remote Standard Intersystem Communications


  • Add a 3 Series TCP/IP Ethernet Intersystem Communications to the appropriate Ethernet ID
  • In Device Settings, set the Default IP Address to (Loop back address)


  • Copy the GLPACs Level In and Level Out signals and paste them to the 3 Series TCP/IP Ethernet Intersystem Communications Analog signals


  • In the showrunner™ config, the lighting controller will be defined with the following settings
    • Controller Type = "3SeriesEisc"
    • ID and Device Connection Id = IP ID used
    • Properties Value = ""
    • Loads Index for each load = the analog joins defined in the SIMPL program EISC Analog signals


GLPACs on Cresnet directly to the processor can be added to ShowRunnerCLC™, without requiring a second programming slot, by deleting the properties lines and setting the Model to:

    "Model": "GLPAC-DIMFLV8_Cresnet",