Changes for page Updating Firmware
Last modified by Alexander Mott on 2024/10/15 14:55
From version 13.1
edited by Alexander Mott
on 2023/12/11 20:58
on 2023/12/11 20:58
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... ... @@ -2,43 +2,27 @@ 2 2 {{toc/}} 3 3 {{/box}} 4 4 5 -ShowRunnerCLC™ is tested against the latest Crestron firmware releases, and as such it is recommended to update all device firmware whenever starting up a job. While firmware updates can be performed at any time, it is recommended to update network devices after their network settings have been configured but before loading the ShowRunnerCLC™ program and starting up the job in orderto avoid any potential bugs that may result from using outdated firmware.Controlled hardware should be updated once all devices on any given Cresnet/ZUMLINK bus or wireless gateway are online and uniquely addressed. Any communication issues on the bus or gateway should also be resolved prior to updating firmware.5 +ShowRunnerCLC™ is tested against the latest Crestron firmware releases, and as such it is recommended to update all device firmware whenever starting up a job. While firmware updates can be performed at any time, it is typically recommended to update network devices after their network settings have been configured (to take advantage of increased file transfer speed over Ethernet compared to USB), but before loading the ShowRunnerCLC™ program and starting up the job (to avoid any potential bugs that may result from using outdated firmware). 6 6 7 -Current Crestron firmware can be downloaded from [[Crestron's website>>]]. Old firmware releases can be downloaded using an SFTP client (such as FileZilla or WinSCP) and connecting to "" 8 - 9 9 = Network Devices = 10 10 11 -Networked devices (i.e. devices connected via Ethernet to the LAN or Control Subnet) should always be updated when starting up a job. You can check the current firmware version of most network devices by running the ##ver## command in Text Console or by exporting a Device Summary using the Device Discovery Tool.9 +Networked devices (i.e. devices connected to the LAN or Control Sub 12 12 13 - Whilethese devices can be updated over USB, it is recommended toupdate these devices over Ethernet whenever possiblein order to take advantage of increased file transfer speed of Ethernet and to enable updating multiple devices at once. Since most network devices will reboot as a part of the firmware update process, **it is important to be mindful of the order in which devices are updated to avoid losing connection to a device while in the middle of a file transfer**. For example, if you have several CEN-GWEXERs that are connected to a CEN-SWPOE-16,it is important to either update the CEN-SWPOE-16 //before// starting the update for any of the CEN-GWEXERs, **or** wait to update the CEN-SWPOE-16 until //after// all of the CEN-GWEXERs are done updating. If you update all devices simultaneously, you risk damage to the CEN-GWEXERs as a result of losing power mid-update due to the CEN-SWPOE-16 rebooting.11 +== Sub 1 == 14 14 15 - == SFTP and SSH (Processors) ==13 +Lorem 16 16 17 - Dueto the large file size for processor firmware, the most efficient method of updating firmware is to use dedicated third-partySFTP and SSH clients rather than built-in Toolboxfunctions.This allows for rapidly transferring the large firmware file to the device and then running the update without locking up Toolbox and preventing you from working on other devices while the firmware update is performed.15 +== Sub 2 == 18 18 19 -* Open an SFTP client such as FileZilla or WinSCP (pictured) and connect to the processor at port 22 20 -* Transfer the firmware file to the "firmware" folder on the processor 21 -* Connect to the processor using Text Console or an SSH client such as PuTTY and run the command ##puf## 22 -* Once the ##puf## command is run, you should see messages appear in the console indicating the status of the firmware update 17 +Lorem 23 23 24 -== Package Update Tool (.puf)==19 +== Sub 2 == 25 25 26 - Crestron's Package Update Tool is the most convenient way of performing firmwareupdates for devices that use .puf files for firmware. The Package Update Tool can be opened from Toolbox, but doing this will lock Toolbox and only allow updating one device at a time, so we recommend instead that you double-click the .puf file directly. Double-clicking a .puf file will allow you to open multiple instance of the Package Update Tool and enable updating multiple devices simultaneously. Once again, **be careful when updating multiple devices simultaneously not to do anything that would disrupt your connection to a device while transferring the .puf file, nor should you do anything that could result in the device rebooting while it is mid-update**.21 +Lorem 27 27 28 -* Locate the firmware .puf file in Windows Explorer 29 -* Double-click the .puf file to open the Package Update Tool 30 -* Use the Address Book or the Pencil icon to connect to your processor and wait for it to connect 31 -* asdf 32 -* asdf 33 -* asdf 34 - 35 -== Quick Function Firmware Updates == 36 - 37 -While most networked devices will use .puf files for firmware updates, some devices (such as DIN-DALI-2) will use .zip files. In these instances, there is no way to use the 38 - 39 39 = Controlled Hardware = 40 40 41 - Controlled hardware such as Cresnet and infinetEX devices are less frequently updated, but nonetheless will occasionally require firmware updates. ZUMLINK devices should always be updated, but these devices areautomatically updated whenever their host ZUMNET device is updated as long as the ZUMLINK device is online and uniquely addressed.25 +Lorem 42 42 43 43 == Sub 1 == 44 44
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