Changes for page Toolbox Basics

Last modified by Alexander Mott on 2024/12/02 18:48

From version 81.1
edited by Alexander Mott
on 2023/12/18 18:36
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 84.1
edited by Alexander Mott
on 2023/12/18 20:36
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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237 237  == Text Console ==
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239 +Text Console [[image:1663622220065-810.png]] is one of the most important tools in the Crestron Toolbox. Whenever the Chief Integrations' ShowRunnerCLC™ Startup Guide mentions "sending console commands," the Text Console is the tool that is required. Below are some general tips that may come in handy when using the Text Console tool:
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240 -(% class="box warningmessage" %)
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242 -This section is under construction: please check back at a later date for more information
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241 +* It recommended to run the command ##broadcast on## as the first command when connecting to a processor, as not running this command means that you will miss important messages from the device
242 +* The Text Console buffer (all commands and messages from the current Text Console session) can be saved and exported to .txt and .tblog files by using the "Logging > Save Buffer..." menu above the toolbar
243 +* The Text Console buffer is not infinite, and will fill up if a large number of messages are sent and received (indicated by the percentage given in the Text Console window)
244 +* Pressing alt-c or right-clicking and selecting "Clear" will clear the Text Console buffer and make it easier to navigate through recent messages
245 +* Pressing the up arrow key on your keyboard will cycle through recently sent commands, and pressing tab when a specific command is highlighted will allow you to edit the command before sending it
246 +* Commands are generally not case sensitive with the exception of commands relating to credentials (i.e. a user's password) and some specific commands as noted in this guide
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245 -Text Console [[image:1663622220065-810.png]] is one of the most important tools in the Crestron Toolbox. Whenever the Chief Integrations' ShowRunnerCLC™ Startup Guide mentions "sending console commands," the Text Console is the tool that is required.
248 +Below are some generally useful console commands for Crestron devices. Note that while most or all Crestron devices will allow for a Text Console connection, only processors with a running and licensed copy of the ShowRunnerCLC™ software will allow the use of the ShowRunner™ specific "##sr##" commands. Text Console commands for specific tasks/functions required by ShowRunnerCLC™ are covered in more detail on the pages that cover those tasks, but the below commands are generally useful for a variety of tasks:
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247 -- help commands
250 +* It recommended to run the command ##broadcast on## as the first command when connecting to a processor, as not running this command means that you will miss important messages from the device
251 +* Use the ##help all## or ##hidhelp all## commands to list all available Crestron-specific commands available (i.e. commands that are available regardless of whether the ShowRunnerCLC™ program is running on the processor)
252 +* Use ##sr ?## and ##sradmin ?## commands to view all ShowRunnerCLC™ specific commands available
253 +** These help lists can be further refined by typing out more of the specific command you want to learn about, e.g. ##sr devmgr ?## will show commands related to the ShowRunnerCLC™ device manager
254 +* Use ##err sys## command to show the error log (up to the last 500 entries), and use the ##clear err## command to clear the log (useful if you are about to restart the program to diagnose errors and don't want to need to sort through which errors are new and which are from the previous startup)
255 +* Many commands can be shortened by typing just enough letters to make the command unique, e.g. ##sr show loads## can be shortened to ##sr sh lo## and ##setlogoffidletime## can be shortened to ##setl##
256 +* See our [[frequently used commands page>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.Troubleshooting Guide.Advanced Tools.Crestron Command Line.WebHome]] and our [[debug program logic page>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.Troubleshooting Guide.Troubleshooting.Debug Program Logic.WebHome]] for some more useful information on using Text Console with ShowRunnerCLC™
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249 -- sr commands
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251 -- link to other pages
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253 253  == File Manager ==
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255 255  File Manager [[image:1663622340028-319.png]] is an essential tool for transferring files to and from the processor. While the ShowRunnerCLC™ license and configuration files can be loaded through the ShowRunnerHUB™ Web UI, it is still sometimes necessary to use the File Manager tool in certain circumstances (e.g., an Ethernet connection to the device cannot be established or for transferring files that aren't supported through the Web UI, such as custom ShowRunner™ extensions).