Changes for page Toolbox Basics

Last modified by Alexander Mott on 2024/12/02 18:48

From version 59.4
edited by Alexander Mott
on 2023/12/14 17:59
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To version 97.1
edited by Alexander Mott
on 2024/12/02 18:44
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5 -[[Crestron's Toolbox>>url:]] software is vital to being able to startup any Crestron lighting control job. The intent of this article is to familiarize a new lighting control tech with the very basics of the various Tools available within the Crestron Toolbox software; detailed information can be access anytime from within Toolbox by pressing the F1 function key to open the Crestron Toolbox Help Menu. If a tool window is the active window, pressing F1 will open the Crestron Toolbox Help Menu to the specific page for that tool.
5 +[[Crestron's Toolbox>>url:]] software is vital to starting up any Crestron lighting control job. The intent of this article is to familiarize a new lighting control tech with the very basics of the various Tools available within the Crestron Toolbox software; detailed information can be access anytime from within Toolbox by pressing the F1 function key to open the Crestron Toolbox Help Menu. If a tool window is the active window, pressing F1 will open the Crestron Toolbox Help Menu to the specific page for that tool.
6 6  
7 7  = Initial Toolbox Configuration =
8 8  
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29 29  = Connecting to Devices =
30 30  
31 -In order to connect to any lighting devices, your computer must be physically connected to the lighting device or the lighting network. Typically, this is achieved via TCP (i.e. Ethernet or WiFi) or USB (usually a USB-A to USB-B cable), though some older devices may require an RS-232 serial connection or a different USB cable.
31 +In order to connect to any lighting devices, your computer must be physically connected to the lighting device or the lighting network. Typically, this is achieved via TCP (i.e. Ethernet or WiFi) or USB (usually a USB-A to USB-B cable), though some older devices may require an RS-232 serial connection or a different USB cable. Devices with authentication enabled (such as any 4-Series processor, RF/Zūm Wireless Gateway, etc.) will require credentials to be configured upon initially connecting to the device and then those credentials will be required when connecting in the future. **It is imperative that the Crestron Agent or Field Tech saves these credentials. Chief Integrations cannot assist without being able to connect to the device, and the only way to connect to a device for which the credentials have been lost is to factory reset the device, which may require redoing the start-up from scratch. **
32 32  
33 33  Any Toolbox tool which requires connecting to a device has several buttons and fields at the lower left which relate to device connection:
34 34  
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36 36  
37 37  These elements have various functions:
38 38  
39 -1. Address Book Menu - Used to view and edit the current address book, or to change the active Address Book to a different Address Book
39 +1. Address Book Menu - Used to view and edit the current address book, or to change the active Address Book to a different Address Book. See [[Troubleshooting a Failed Connection>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation Guide.Preparation.Toolbox Basics.WebHome||anchor="HExporttoAddressBook"]] below for information about creating an Address Book
40 40  1. Known Device Dropdown - This drop down menu can also be used to connect to devices in the current Address Book. If the currently connected device is in the Address Book, it's name in the Address Book will be displayed here
41 41  1. Manual Connection Menu - This menu is used to manually connect to a device that is not in the current Address Book. It can be used regardless of the connection type or device being connected to:
42 42  1*. [[image:1663625644870-585.png]]
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150 150  = Basic Tool Usage =
151 151  
152 -Crestron Toolbox has many tools that are essential for starting up or troubleshooting any ShowRunnerCLC™ installation. The tools covered here are the most commonly used in commercial lighting contexts, but it should be noted that this list is by no means exhaustive.
152 +Crestron Toolbox has many tools that are essential for starting up or troubleshooting any ShowRunnerCLC™ installation. The tools covered here are the most commonly used in commercial lighting contexts, but it should be noted that this list is by no means exhaustive. If you have many Tool windows open at once in Toolbox, or if you have only a few Tools open but the window is maximized, then the Window dropdown menu at the top of Toolbox will be useful for navigating the open tools. The Window dropdown has options for cascading/tiling all open tools, as well as a list of open windows to allow easily switching between them:
153 +[[image:window.png]]
153 153  
154 154  == Device Discovery Tool ==
155 155  
156 -Crestron's Device Discovery Tool is used to "discover" any Crestron devices which are connected to your laptop. The most useful feature of the Device Discovery Tool is the ability to export all discovered devices to either a "Device Summary" text file or an Address Book. Discovered devices are listed in a scrollable list on the left side of the menu, and double clicking a discovered device will bring up additional configuration options on the right side. Below is an overview of the Device Discovery Tool UI:
157 +Crestron's Device Discovery Tool [[image:1663622362685-655.png]] is used to "discover" any Crestron devices which are connected to your laptop. The most useful feature of the Device Discovery Tool is the ability to export all discovered devices to either a "Device Summary" text file or an Address Book. Discovered devices are listed in a scrollable list on the left side of the menu, and double clicking a discovered device will bring up additional configuration options on the right side. Below is an overview of the Device Discovery Tool UI:
157 157  
158 158  [[image:device discovery tool numbered.png]]
159 159  
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166 166  1. Discover Devices button - press this to restart the discovery process
167 167  1. Export... button - use this button to export discovered devices to either a Device Summary or Address Book (covered in more detail below)
168 168  
170 +=== Local vs Remote Search ===
171 +
172 +When using your laptop to do a Device Discovery, the default option for where to search for Crestron devices is "Local Search". This means that you will only be able to detect devices that are directly on same network as your laptop, even if communication between your laptop and the device is allowed in the network configuration. In these cases it can be useful to do a "Remote Search", which allows the Device Discovery to be performed from a Crestron device that is on a separate network from your laptop. Remote Search can also be done when connected to a device via USB, which makes it useful in situations where there are no open Ethernet ports or where the technician's laptop is not authorized to connect to the LAN.
173 +
174 +To do a remote search:
175 +
176 +1. Open Device Discovery Tool as normal
177 +1. Wait for the initial Local Search to conclude
178 +1. Press the button at the bottom of Device Discovery Tool window to select Remote Search
179 +1. In the connection bar that should appear at the bottom of the Device Discovery Tool window, use the pencil icon to input the details of the device you want to use for the search
180 +1*. Any 3-Series and 4-Series processor can be used to perform a remote search, but some devices (such as CEN-GWEXERs and DIN-CENCN-2s) will not work
181 +1. Wait for the Remote Search to conclude
182 +
183 +The below screenshot compares the results of a Local Search from a laptop that is on a VLAN to the results of a remote search performed by a processor that is on a LAN. Even though the network is configured to allow the laptop on the network to connect directly to the processor at on the network, we are not able to discover any of the devices on that network when performing a Local Search (left window). When we use the processor for the Remote Search (right window), we are able to discover all 35 devices on t he network. 
184 +[[image:local-remote search.png||height="513" width="1121"]]
185 +
169 169  === Export to Address Book ===
170 170  
171 -Address Books provide a convenient way to easily connect to different devices without memorizing all the different IP addresses and credentials for devices on your network. When an Address Book has been created for a job, you are able to connect to specific devices using the dropdown menu on the lower left of the tool instead of manually inputting the IP address or hostname using the Pencil menu. Note that when exporting devices to the Address Book, it is possible to add devices by either Hostname or by IP Address, and if the device settings are modified then it may be necessary to update your Address Book or create a new one.
188 +Address Books [[image:1702589379487-339.png]] provide a convenient way to easily connect to different devices without memorizing all the different IP addresses and credentials for devices on your network. When an Address Book has been created for a job, you are able to connect to specific devices using the dropdown menu on the lower left of the tool instead of manually inputting the IP address or hostname using the Pencil menu. Note that when exporting devices to the Address Book, it is possible to add devices by either Hostname or by IP Address, and if the device settings are modified then it may be necessary to update your Address Book or create a new one.
172 172  
173 173  To create an Address Book in Toolbox:
174 174  
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233 233  * DeviceSummary.csv:
234 234  [[image:||alt="1655487132138-904.png" height="289" width="752"]]
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236 -(% class="box warningmessage" %)
237 -(((
238 -This section is under construction: please check back at a later date for more information
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240 -
241 241  == Text Console ==
242 242  
243 -Text Console is one of the most important tools in the Crestron Toolbox. Throughout the Chief Integrations' ShowRunnerCLC™ Startup Guide, you will see references to sending "console commands"
255 +Text Console [[image:1663622220065-810.png]] is one of the most important tools in the Crestron Toolbox. Whenever the Chief Integrations' ShowRunnerCLC™ Startup Guide mentions "sending console commands," the Text Console is the tool that is required. Below are some general tips that may come in handy when using the Text Console tool:
244 244  
257 +* It recommended to run the command ##broadcast on## as the first command when connecting to a processor, as not running this command means that you will miss important messages from the device
258 +* The Text Console buffer (all commands and messages from the current Text Console session) can be saved and exported to .txt and .tblog files by using the "Logging > Save Buffer..." menu above the toolbar
259 +* The Text Console buffer is not infinite, and will fill up if a large number of messages are sent and received (indicated by the percentage given in the Text Console window)
260 +* Pressing alt-c or right-clicking and selecting "Clear" will clear the Text Console buffer and make it easier to navigate through recent messages
261 +* Pressing the up arrow key on your keyboard will cycle through recently sent commands, and pressing tab when a specific command is highlighted will allow you to edit the command before sending it
262 +* Commands are generally not case sensitive with the exception of commands relating to credentials (i.e. a user's password) and some specific commands as noted in this guide
263 +
264 +Below are some generally useful console commands for Crestron devices. Note that while most or all Crestron devices will allow for a Text Console connection, only processors with a running and licensed copy of the ShowRunnerCLC™ software will allow the use of the ShowRunner™ specific "##sr##" commands. Text Console commands for specific tasks/functions required by ShowRunnerCLC™ are covered in more detail on the pages that cover those tasks, but the below commands are generally useful for a variety of tasks:
265 +
266 +* It recommended to run the command ##broadcast on## as the first command when connecting to a processor, as not running this command means that you will miss important messages from the device
267 +* Use the ##help all## or ##hidhelp all## commands to list all available Crestron-specific commands available (i.e. commands that are available regardless of whether the ShowRunnerCLC™ program is running on the processor)
268 +* Use ##sr ?## and ##sradmin ?## commands to view all ShowRunnerCLC™ specific commands available
269 +** These help lists can be further refined by typing out more of the specific command you want to learn about, e.g. ##sr devmgr ?## will show commands related to the ShowRunnerCLC™ device manager
270 +* Use ##err sys## command to show the error log (up to the last 500 entries), and use the ##clear err## command to clear the log (useful if you are about to restart the program to diagnose errors and don't want to need to sort through which errors are new and which are from the previous startup)
271 +* Many commands can be shortened by typing just enough letters to make the command unique, e.g. ##sr show loads## can be shortened to ##sr sh lo## and ##setlogoffidletime## can be shortened to ##setl##
272 +* See our [[frequently used commands page>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.Troubleshooting Guide.Advanced Tools.Crestron Command Line.WebHome]] and our [[debug program logic page>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.Troubleshooting Guide.Troubleshooting.Debug Program Logic.WebHome]] for some more useful information on using Text Console with ShowRunnerCLC™
273 +
245 245  == File Manager ==
246 246  
276 +File Manager [[image:1663622340028-319.png]] is an essential tool for transferring files to and from the processor. While the ShowRunnerCLC™ license and configuration files can be loaded through the ShowRunnerHUB™ Web UI, it is still sometimes necessary to use the File Manager tool in certain circumstances (e.g., an Ethernet connection to the device cannot be established or for transferring files that aren't supported through the Web UI, such as custom ShowRunner™ extensions).
277 +
278 +To use File Manager:
279 +
280 +* Open the File Manager tool and connect to your device
281 +** Note that not all devices have accessible storage, so File Manager tool will not always connect even if the device is online
282 +[[image:fm1.png||height="155" width="478"]]
283 +* Navigate your device's storage using either the navigation bar on the left or by double-clicking into folders on the right
284 +** Note that some older versions of Toolbox only allow navigation using the navigation bar on the left
285 +[[image:fm2.png||height="152" width="474"]]
286 +* Once you've navigated to the directory that you want to add files to or remove files from
287 +** Copy files to the current directory by either dragging the file from your computer into the File Manager tool or by right-clicking on an empty space and selecting "Copy File(s) From...":
288 +[[image:fm3a.png]]
289 +** Copy files from the device ("Send File(s) To...") to your computer or modify files on the device by right-clicking on the file:
290 +[[image:fm3b.png]]
291 +* For normal Crestron processors (i.e. //not// VC-4 instances), ShowRunnerCLC™ files belong in the following folders (v3.10 and newer):
292 +** ShowRunnerCLC™ license goes into the "NVRAM/sr/" folder
293 +** ShowRunnerCLC™ SrConfig.json configuration file goes into the "NVRAM/sr/default" folder
294 +** Note that older releases ShowRunnerCLC™ use a different file structure
295 +** Note that the "alt-[x]" folders are for ShowRunnerCLC's "Alternate Configuration" feature and are not present in most deployments
296 +[[image:fm4.png||height="146" width="456"]]
297 +
247 247  == Network Device Tree View ==
248 248  
249 -See our [[device addressing>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation Guide.Device Addressing.Addressing Devices from Toolbox.WebHome||anchor="HNetworkDeviceTreeView"]] page for more specific information on how to use the Network Device Tree View for device addressing purposes.
300 +Network Device Tree View [[image:1663622313939-259.png]] is a useful tool for addressing devices and resolving certain issues with networked hardware. Below are just some general tips for using the tool; see our [[device addressing>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation Guide.Device Addressing.Addressing Devices from Toolbox.WebHome||anchor="HNetworkDeviceTreeView"]] page for specific instructions on how to use the Network Device Tree View for device addressing. The below are some general tips and recommended settings for Network Device Tree View:
250 250  
302 +* When connecting to a device for the first time in Network Device Tree View, we recommend making certain changes to the type of information displayed by right-clicking and selecting the "Show Configuration Dialog" option:
303 +** Displaying the Serial Number and TSID is useful for easily identifying devices and determining whether specific devices are online or not
304 +** Displaying the Network ID is useful for easily identifying whether devices have been addressed or not
305 +** Displaying the Net Type is somewhat optional, as it should be apparent whether devices are connected via Cresnet, zummesh, etc. based on the model of device
306 +** Displaying Status is also optional, as this information is also displayed in the form of a colored icon next to the device model
307 +[[image:ndtv_settings.png||height="317" width="565"]]
308 +* In addition to the above settings, **it is generally recommended to right-click and ensure that "Show by Device Connection" is checked**
309 +** "Show by Device Connection" will group devices by their connection to the host device (e.g., Cresnet devices on a DIN-CENCN-2 will be sorted by the Net that they are connected to, Zūm Wireless devices will be sorted by the ZUM-NETBRIDGE they are connected to, etc.)
310 +[[image:ndtv_by connection.png||height="436" width="344"]]
311 +** "Show by Category" can be useful in some situations, particularly when looking at devices on a processor where all of the devices are necessarily on the same net, but it can be confusing since you are not able to tell at a glance how a device is connected (i.e. whether it is on Net 1 or Net 2 of a DIN-CENCN-2) and may result in accidentally misaddressing devices; notice how in the below example there appear to be duplicate network IDs (e.g. a keypad and a GLXP-DIMFLV8 both at ID: 04) that aren't being flagged as duplicates because the devices are actually on different Nets, a detail that is only visible when "Show by Device Connection" is enabled as shown above.
312 +[[image:ndtv_by category.png||height="442" width="349"]]
313 +* These configuration changes are saved per device type, so once they are made they will not need to be made again unless you are connecting to a new type of device for the first time (e.g. changes made while connected to a DIN-AP4 will apply to all DIN-AP4s, but will not apply to any DIN-CENCN-2s you may connect to later)
314 +* If Network Device Tree View has been configured as recommended above, then the interface will look similar to the below for a fully-addressed system with no issues:
315 +** Since all of the devices have been addressed and there are no issues, the Network Device Tree View shows a yellow circle next to each device indicating an "OK" status
316 +[[image:ndtv_by connection.png||height="436" width="344"]]
317 +** A new system where all devices are online but have not been re-addressed may look more like the following example, with a red exclamation point indicating duplicate Network IDs
318 +[[image:ndtv_all loops.png||height="423" width="339"]]
319 +** Other types of status indicator may include a black circle for "Invalid Network ID" or "Invalid/duplicate TSID or Serial Number"
320 +* Right-clicking on an individual device will give many options to resolve common issues, as well as allow for identifying a specific device:
321 +** "Refresh All" use to refresh the list of actively connected devices, necessary e.g. if a Cresnet cable has been connected/disconnected from the device
322 +*** F5 is the keyboard shortcut for this function, though in both cases it may be more reliable to completely close and reopen Network Device Tree View to ensure all devices are refreshed
323 +** "Change Network ID..." use to change the Network ID (CID) of a specific device (see our [[device addressing page>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation Guide.Device Addressing.Addressing Devices from Toolbox.WebHome||anchor="HNetworkDeviceTreeView"]] for more information)
324 +*** F2 is the keyboard shortcut for this function
325 +** "Identify This Device..." will put a specific device into "Identify" mode, the specific behavior for which depends on the individual device:
326 +*** Note that entering identify mode may stop the ShowRunnerCLC™ program and restart it when exiting identify mode: **to avoid losing progress and placing strain on the processor**, it is recommended to either identify and address all hardware prior to loading the ShowRunnerCLC™ program, or temporarily suspend the program with the console command ##stopprog -p:01## and then resume the program once done identifying all devices with the command ##progreset##
327 +*** Some devices will flash an LED (Cresnet keypads, GLS-SIMs, et al.)
328 +*** Some devices will flash an LED and make a noise (Cresnet occupancy sensors, most room controllers, et al.)
329 +*** Load controllers will typically flash all connected loads
330 +** "Change Serial Number..." is used to change the device's Serial Number (and thus its TSID); this is rarely required and is only necessary in cases where a device reports an invalid or duplicate SN/TSID, or where the reported SN does not match the SN physically printed on the device
331 +** "Open Text Console..." will open a Text Console window directly to the specific selected Cresnet/RFID device (//not// to the host device you are connected to in Network Device Tree View); only recommended for advanced users
332 +[[image:ndtv_rc on device.png]]
333 +
251 251  == Script Manager ==
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336 +The Script Manager [[image:1663622272369-417.png]] is where Load Scripts can be opened and specific sets of commands executed. Load Scripts are .txt files that allow you to automate certain tasks by connecting to a device and executing a predetermined sequence of commands, and are a powerful tool to save time on-site when you need to run the same or similar set of commands on many devices.
337 +
338 +To use a Load Script with the Load Script Manager:
339 +
340 +* Open the Load Script Manager in Toolbox
341 +* Right-click anywhere in the Load Script Manager, select "Load Script...", and locate your Load Script .txt file
342 +* The window will populate with all of the different command sets defined in the Load Script
343 +** Ensure that you are connected to your devices by the method required based on the connection type listed in the "Connection" column
344 +** This example script is expecting to connect to devices over Ethernet using their hostname
345 +[[image:sm1.png||height="218" width="954"]]
346 +* Select the command sets you would like to execute by ctrl+clicking or shift+clicking them and then right-click and "Start Selected" to begin executing the commands
347 +** If no commands are currently running, the "Start All" option will also be available. Note that the number of concurrent command sections may be limited by the load script, so even if "Start All" is selected there may only be e.g. 10 command sets that actually start
348 +** If commands are currently running, you can cancel them using this right-click menu as well
349 +[[image:sm2.png]]
350 +* While commands are running, their current status and progress are displayed under the various columns displayed in the Script Manager
351 +[[image:sm3.png||height="189" width="835"]]
352 +* Once a command section has executed all commands, it will display the success or failure of the commands
353 +** In this example, all of the commands failed for different reasons:
354 +** ZUMNET-JBOX-16A-LV-F2D94E commands failed due to the firmware file specified by the script not being in the correct location
355 +** The commands which failed due to an "unknown error" failed because they weren't reachable at the specified connection address due to some quirks with this specific LAN configuration
356 +** The remaining command sections were manually cancelled before they could complete
357 +[[image:sm4.png||height="205" width="904"]]
358 +
253 253  == Package Update Tool ==
254 254  
255 -The Package Update Tool is a very convenient way of [[performing firmware updates>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation and Network Setup.Updating Firmware.WebHome||anchor="HPackageUpdateTool28.puf29"]] for networked devices and [[loading the ShowRunnerCLC™ program>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation and Network Setup.Processor Setup.WebHome||anchor="HProgramLoad"]] to processors.
361 +The Package Update Tool [[image:1663622297411-164.png]] is a very convenient way of [[performing firmware updates>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation and Network Setup.Updating Firmware.WebHome||anchor="HPackageUpdateTool28.puf29"]] for networked devices and [[loading the ShowRunnerCLC™ program>>doc:SHOWRUNNER™ Setup Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation Guide.SHOWRUNNER™ Installation and Network Setup.Processor Setup.WebHome||anchor="HProgramLoad"]] to processors.
256 256  
257 257  While the Package Update Tool can be opened from within Toolbox, Chief Integrations does not recommend it as doing so will lock Toolbox until the .puf is finished loading to the device. Instead, we recommend to closing Toolbox (or at least closing any Toolbox connections to devices that you intend to update) and double-clicking the .puf file to open the Package Update Tool in a separate window. This allows you to open multiple instances of the Package Update Tool and load .puf files to multiple devices at once. **Exercise caution when updating firmware for multiple devices simultaneously,** as some devices will reboot as part of the update process which may disrupt connection to downstream devices.
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