UDP Input

Last modified by Scott Kohlmann on 2023/04/20 21:37

ShowRunnerCLC™ can accept commands via UDP.  Feedback is not provided.

Enable the UDP listener by specifying a port in the config:

    "ListenPort": 45794

Commands are sent to objects by GlobalId followed by the Action and then any relevant Properties (Properties are interpreted in the order shown).  They are dot delimited and terminated with a carriage return. 
Format: GlobalId.ActionName[.ActionPropertyValue]\x0D

To obtain a list of GlobalIds for objects use console command sr show global ids.  Global Actions use a GlobalId of 0.

To obtain a list of Actions available by object type use console command sr show actions.

Example Recall Scene 1 on Area 51:

From "sr show global ids":

| ID  | Type            | Name                             |
| 51  | Area            | Boardroom A                      |


From "sr show actions":

| Type            | Action                        | Description                                              | Reference Property | Ref Req | Triggers        | Supported Properties                                                           |
| Area            | RecallScene                   | Recalls the specified scene on this load                 | SceneId            | False   | Digital, Analog | 'SceneId'emoticon_unhappyInteger)'Scene Number to recall'                                    |

UDP Command to send:


Created by Mark Kohlmann on 2021/01/20 18:13