ShowRunnerCLC™ (SR) can control locations and fixtures attached to a WTEC SmartDirector or SmartEngine.  Connectivity is via an HTTPS connection to either the SmartDirector or SmartEngine.  SmartDirector is the preferred end point.

  • The WTEC system aggregates loads by location.
  • Scene control is provided within the WTEC system but an active WTEC scene locks out any direct fixture control.  Master level may be raised or lowered for the entire location both with and without an active scene.
  • WTEC occupancy actions apply load levels globally by location and do not provide granular settings.
  • WTEC plug loads can only be controlled as part of a location.
  • Fixtures may be controlled directly but each fixture must be commanded individually which will result in a delay between each fixtures receipt of a commanded load level.
  • Feedback from the WTEC system is delayed ~1 second.  Real-world experience seems to be 1/2 to 2 seconds.  This is addressed with option 3.
  • SR cannot modify WTEC scene settings
  • Location intensity overrides fixture intensity
  • Due to heavy data transfer via HTTP a 4-series or better is required for this integration.

There are three main approaches to take when integrating with a WTEC SmartDirector or SmartEngine.

Option 1: Locations/Fixtures are treated as ShowRunnerCLC™ loads

In this scenario SR treats Locations on the WTEC system effectively as load groups.  This approach is best when SR is the master lighting system for a project.  Locations are added to SR as loads.  Any commands to a load are sent to the WTEC system for execution.  Changes in the WTEC system will be sent back to SR and the load's status will be updated on SR side.  If a scene is activated on the WTEC side then SR can still command the master intensity for the location.  SR load profiles and settings are applied before a command is sent to the WTEC location.  Initial setup for this can be done from a csv file via the command line.

To Add a WTEC Location as a Load (Assumes WTEC controller is already defined):

  • Select "Add New Load"
  • Enter the Location ID from the WTEC system as the Bus Index
  • Enter "0" for the Load Index
  • Name and assign the newly created load to the appropriate area
Option 2: Locations are treated as ShowRunnerCLC™ Areas and Individual Fixture Control (Optional)

In this scenario we treat Locations on the WTEC system as an SR Area.  This approach is best when an SR touchscreen, keypad, schedule, or occupancy sensor needs to recall scenes defined on the WTEC system.  SR scenes are mapped to WTEC Location scenes by querying the WTEC system for the scene names assigned to a Location.  The last scene listed is mapped to SR's off scene, the first through 2nd to last are mapped in order from scene 1/On to scene N.  Master raise/lower will be sent to the WTEC system to control the master intensity.  Fixtures may be controlled individually in this application if there are no scene settings on the WTEC system because an active WTEC scene will lock out fixture control.  Settings this up is best done by importing a csv file into SR from the command line.

  • SR loads can track the status of WTEC Location or Fixtures by associating an SR load with the WTEC load using TrackLoadGlobalId property on the SR load.  This is helpful if Crestron hardware is controlling EM loads in locales that do not permit POE lighting for EM purposes.  The SR/Crestron load will follow the state of the WTEC Location or Fixture.
Option 3: Virtual Fixtures

In this scenario SR tracks "virtual fixtures" created in the WTEC system and maps them to SR loads.  Delay is minimal in this scenario, a fraction of a second.  Virtual fixtures map to global IDs of existing SR loads.

Sample Configuration Details

  • Lighting Controller 1
    • Primary WTEC Smart Engine controller
    • Contains mappings for option 3
  • Lighting Controller 2
    • Specific WTEC AREA and a load for option 2
  • Lighting Controller 3
    • Contains GLX-DIMFLV8 loads mapped by virtual loads on controller 1

Sample Configuration

Partition Sensors

ShowRunnerCLC™ can report partition sensor status to WTEC.

Config Example

Created by Mark Kohlmann on 2021/06/11 19:42