Crestron Hardware Properties
Many Crestron hardware devices have their own set of properties that affect how they behave. Sometimes these settings need to be modified. ShowRunnerCLC™ provides access to these properties. The following console commands are available for this purpose. Support will be added in the future to modify these from a user interface.
| SR enroll hardware property (X:S) (Y:S) (Z:S) | Set a property for an underlying hardware device at global ID and store the setting in the config |
| - | (X):S:Global ID(s) Comma and Dash Separated permitted (Y):S:Path (Z):S:New Value |
| SR get hardware properties (X:I) | Gets the properties for an underlying hardware device at global ID |
| - | (X):I:Global ID |
| SR set hardware property (X:S) (Y:S) (Z:S) | Temporarily set a property for the underlying hardware directly on the device |
| - | (X):S:Global ID(s) Comma and Dash Separated permitted (Y):S:Path (Z):S:New Value |
Note: set and enroll commands support setting multiple GlobalIds at the same time by using a comma and dash separated list of IDs. Example: 3-5,23,35,40-43
- Obtain the global ID of the device you would like to get properties for, use sr show global ids, sr show cresnet devices, sr show rf devices, or sr show ethernet devices.
Example using sr show rf devices:
MC4>sr show rf devices
| Host ID | ID | Name | Online | Details |
| - | 20 | GLS-LDL-EX-BATT | False | 75:Photocell |
| C0 | 03 | CLF-LDIMUEX | False | 1:MBR Wireless Outlet Dimmer |
| C0 | 04 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 3:Master Bath Dimmer 1 |
| | | | | 34:Master Bath Overhad Keypad |
| C0 | 05 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 5:Master Bath Dimmer 2 |
| | | | | 35:Master Bath Vanity Keypad |
| C0 | 06 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 7:MBR Hallway Dimmer |
| | | | | 36:Master Bed Keyapd |
| C0 | 07 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 9:Kitchen Dimmer 2 |
| | | | | 37:Kitchen Overhead Keypad |
| C0 | 08 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 11:Kitchen Dimmer 1 |
| | | | | 38:Kitchen Cabinet Keypad |
| C0 | 09 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 13:Kitchen Dimmer 3 |
| | | | | 39:Kitchen Island Keypad |
| C0 | 0B | CLF-LDIMUEX | False | 15:Jon' Shelf Dimmer |
| C0 | 0D | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 16:Main Hallway Dimmer |
| | | | | 40:Foyer Keypad |
| C0 | 0E | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 18:Jon' Dimmer |
| | | | | 41:Jon' Keypad |
| C0 | 10 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 20:Jane's Dimmer |
| | | | | 42:Jane's Keypad |
| C0 | 12 | HZ-SWEX | False | 22:Living Room Switch |
| | | | | 44:Living Room Lamp Keypad |
| C0 | 13 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 24:MBR Nightstand Dimmer |
| | | | | 45:Master Bed Nghtstand Keypad |
| C0 | 14 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 26:Powder Room Dimmer 1 |
| | | | | 46:Powder Room Overhead Keypad |
| C0 | 15 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 28:Powder Room Dimmer 2 |
| | | | | 47:Powder Room MIrror Keypad |
| C0 | 16 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 30:Kids Bath Dimmer 1 |
| | | | | 48:Kids' Bath Overhead Keypad |
| C0 | 17 | HZ-DIMUEX | False | 32:Kids Bath Dimmer 2 |
| | | | | 49:Kids Bath Vanity Keypad |
| C0 | 11 | HZ-KPEX | False | 43:Kitchen Area Keypad |
+---------+----+-----------------+--------+--------------------------------+ - Get the properties applicable to the hardware device using sr get hardware properties 3:
Example for Global ID 3:
MC4>sr get hardware properties 3
| Path | Type | Before Reg | Value | Options |
| ParameterZeroCrossSyncOnOffThreshold | System.UInt16 | True | 9830 | - |
| ParameterLocalOnLevel | System.UInt16 | True | 0 | - |
| ParameterFakeFeedback | System.Boolean | True | False | - |
| ParameterActiveFeedbackBlinkRate | System.UInt16 | True | 75 | - |
| ParameterHoldTime | System.UInt16 | True | 30 | - |
| ParameterDoubleTapSpeed | System.UInt16 | True | 50 | - |
| ParameterWaitForDoubleTap | System.Boolean | True | False | - |
| ParameterCustomColorInputType | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.HzKpBase+eCustomColorInputType | True | HSV | RGB |
| | | | | HSV |
| ParameterDayNightThresholdSetting | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.HzKpBase+eDayNightThresholdSetting | True | Default | Default |
| | | | | Bright |
| | | | | MediumBright |
| | | | | Medium |
| | | | | MediumDark |
| | | | | Dark |
| ParameterAlternateColorTheme | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.HzKpBase+eLedAlternateColorTheme | True | Custom | Custom |
| | | | | WarmWhite |
| | | | | NeutralWhite |
| | | | | CoolWhite |
| | | | | Red |
| | | | | Amber |
| | | | | Orange |
| | | | | Yellow |
| | | | | Green |
| | | | | Teal |
| | | | | Blue |
| | | | | Purple |
| | | | | Fuchsia |
| | | | | Pink |
| | | | | RedGreen |
| | | | | Alarm |
| ParameterLocalButtonStatusFeedback | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.Horizon.eLedFeedbackMode | True | On | On |
| | | | | Center |
| | | | | OnOff |
| | | | | None |
| ParameterLocalButtonActiveFeedback | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.Horizon.eLedActiveFeedbackMode | True | Enabled | Disabled |
| | | | | Enabled |
| BacklightLedSettings.ManualDayOnBrightness | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ManualDayOffBrightness | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ManualNightOnBrightness | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ManualNightOffBrightness | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ColorThemeSelectOverride | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.HzKpBase+eLedLocalColorTheme | False | WarmWhite | WarmWhite |
| | | | | NeutralWhite |
| | | | | CoolWhite |
| | | | | Red |
| | | | | Amber |
| | | | | Orange |
| | | | | Yellow |
| | | | | Green |
| | | | | Teal |
| | | | | Blue |
| | | | | Purple |
| | | | | Fuchsia |
| | | | | Pink |
| BacklightLedSettings.EnableManualDayNightTime | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | False | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ReportDayNightTimeFeedbacks | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | False | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ReportLightLevel | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | False | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOnSettings.RedOrHue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOnSettings.GreenOrSaturation | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOnSettings.BlueOrValue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOffSettings.RedOrHue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOffSettings.GreenOrSaturation | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOffSettings.BlueOrValue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOnSettings.RedOrHue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOnSettings.GreenOrSaturation | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOnSettings.BlueOrValue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOffSettings.RedOrHue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOffSettings.GreenOrSaturation | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOffSettings.BlueOrValue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| ParameterRaiseLowerRate | System.UInt16 | True | 300 | - |
| ParameterOffFadeTime | System.UInt16 | True | 100 | - |
| ParameterOnFadeTime | System.UInt16 | True | 100 | - |
| SuppressFeedback | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | False | - |
| ParameterSuppressFeedbackMode | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.Horizon.eSupressFeedbackMode | True | SendOnRelease | SendOnRelease |
| | | | | SendWithDelay |
| DefeatLocalButtonLogic | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | True | - |
| ParameterLocalButton | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.eLocalButtonLogic | True | SmallRocker5 | BigRocker |
| | | | | MediumRocker1 |
| | | | | MediumRocker2 |
| | | | | MediumRocker3 |
| | | | | SmallRocker1 |
| | | | | SmallRocker2 |
| | | | | SmallRocker3 |
| | | | | SmallRocker4 |
| | | | | SmallRocker5 |
| | | | | SmallButton1 |
| | | | | SmallButton2 |
| | | | | SmallButton3 |
| | | | | SmallButton4 |
| | | | | SmallButton5 |
| | | | | None |
+------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+---------------+----------------+ - Set the property to what you would like, use "enroll" to make the property change permanent by saving it to the configuration, "set" will only make the change on the device and the value will be overwritten on program restart with the default.
Example changing ParameterLocalButton to BigRocker:
MC4>sr enroll hardware property 3 ParameterLocalButton BigRocker
Enrolled Property - Reboot Gateway(s) for properties to propagate.
- Verify the property setting took.
MC4>sr g h p 3
| Path | Type | Before Reg | Value | Options |
| ParameterZeroCrossSyncOnOffThreshold | System.UInt16 | True | 9830 | - |
| ParameterLocalOnLevel | System.UInt16 | True | 0 | - |
| ParameterFakeFeedback | System.Boolean | True | False | - |
| ParameterActiveFeedbackBlinkRate | System.UInt16 | True | 75 | - |
| ParameterHoldTime | System.UInt16 | True | 30 | - |
| ParameterDoubleTapSpeed | System.UInt16 | True | 50 | - |
| ParameterWaitForDoubleTap | System.Boolean | True | False | - |
| ParameterCustomColorInputType | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.HzKpBase+eCustomColorInputType | True | HSV | RGB |
| | | | | HSV |
| ParameterDayNightThresholdSetting | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.HzKpBase+eDayNightThresholdSetting | True | Default | Default |
| | | | | Bright |
| | | | | MediumBright |
| | | | | Medium |
| | | | | MediumDark |
| | | | | Dark |
| ParameterAlternateColorTheme | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.HzKpBase+eLedAlternateColorTheme | True | Custom | Custom |
| | | | | WarmWhite |
| | | | | NeutralWhite |
| | | | | CoolWhite |
| | | | | Red |
| | | | | Amber |
| | | | | Orange |
| | | | | Yellow |
| | | | | Green |
| | | | | Teal |
| | | | | Blue |
| | | | | Purple |
| | | | | Fuchsia |
| | | | | Pink |
| | | | | RedGreen |
| | | | | Alarm |
| ParameterLocalButtonStatusFeedback | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.Horizon.eLedFeedbackMode | True | On | On |
| | | | | Center |
| | | | | OnOff |
| | | | | None |
| ParameterLocalButtonActiveFeedback | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.Horizon.eLedActiveFeedbackMode | True | Enabled | Disabled |
| | | | | Enabled |
| BacklightLedSettings.ManualDayOnBrightness | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ManualDayOffBrightness | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ManualNightOnBrightness | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ManualNightOffBrightness | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ColorThemeSelectOverride | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.HzKpBase+eLedLocalColorTheme | False | WarmWhite | WarmWhite |
| | | | | NeutralWhite |
| | | | | CoolWhite |
| | | | | Red |
| | | | | Amber |
| | | | | Orange |
| | | | | Yellow |
| | | | | Green |
| | | | | Teal |
| | | | | Blue |
| | | | | Purple |
| | | | | Fuchsia |
| | | | | Pink |
| BacklightLedSettings.EnableManualDayNightTime | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | False | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ReportDayNightTimeFeedbacks | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | False | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.ReportLightLevel | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | False | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOnSettings.RedOrHue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOnSettings.GreenOrSaturation | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOnSettings.BlueOrValue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOffSettings.RedOrHue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOffSettings.GreenOrSaturation | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedDayOffSettings.BlueOrValue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOnSettings.RedOrHue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOnSettings.GreenOrSaturation | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOnSettings.BlueOrValue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOffSettings.RedOrHue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOffSettings.GreenOrSaturation | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| BacklightLedSettings.LedNightOffSettings.BlueOrValue | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.UShortInputSig | False | 0 | - |
| ParameterRaiseLowerRate | System.UInt16 | True | 300 | - |
| ParameterOffFadeTime | System.UInt16 | True | 100 | - |
| ParameterOnFadeTime | System.UInt16 | True | 100 | - |
| SuppressFeedback | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | False | - |
| ParameterSuppressFeedbackMode | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.Horizon.eSupressFeedbackMode | True | SendOnRelease | SendOnRelease |
| | | | | SendWithDelay |
| DefeatLocalButtonLogic | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.BoolInputSig | False | True | - |
| ParameterLocalButton | Crestron.SimplSharpPro.Keypads.eLocalButtonLogic | True | BigRocker | BigRocker |
| | | | | MediumRocker1 |
| | | | | MediumRocker2 |
| | | | | MediumRocker3 |
| | | | | SmallRocker1 |
| | | | | SmallRocker2 |
| | | | | SmallRocker3 |
| | | | | SmallRocker4 |
| | | | | SmallRocker5 |
| | | | | SmallButton1 |
| | | | | SmallButton2 |
| | | | | SmallButton3 |
| | | | | SmallButton4 |
| | | | | SmallButton5 |
| | | | | None |