Changes for page Advanced Scheduling

Last modified by Scott Kohlmann on 2023/04/21 14:23

From version 6.1
edited by Alexander Mott
on 2020/04/15 00:39
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 1.4
edited by Alexander Mott
on 2020/04/14 21:13
Change comment: (Autosaved)



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1 1  = Overview =
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3 -SHOWRUNNER™ includes a robust Event Scheduler which enables users to create Events that modify the Sequence of Operations on a room-by-room basis. Events can be scheduled to trigger at a specific time during the day or they can be scheduled in relation to sunrise or sunset. In Standard deployments of SHOWRUNNER™, it is possible to have these Events recur every day of the week or on a selection of weekdays. With the Advanced Scheduling option, however, the options for Scheduling which days an Event triggers are greatly enhanced.
3 +SHOWRUNNER™ includes a robust Scheduler which enables users to create Events that modify the Sequence of Operations on a room-by-room basis. Events can be scheduled to trigger at a specific time during the day or they can be scheduled in relation to sunrise or sunset. In Standard deployments of SHOWRUNNER™, it is possible to have these Events recur every day of the week or on a selection of weekdays. With the Advanced Scheduling option, however, the options for Scheduling which days an Event triggers are greatly enhanced.
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5 5  = Recurrence Types =
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7 7  === Weekly Recurrence ===
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9 -Weekly Recurrence is the only Recurrence Type included in SHOWRUNNER™ Standard. To set up a Weekly Recurrence, begin by pressing "Weekly Recurrence" underneath the "Recurrence Type" heading. A check mark will appear to indicate that a selection has been made.
9 +Weekly Recurrence is the only Recurrence Type included in SHOWRUNNER™ Standard.
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11 -By default, any Events that a User creates will trigger every day of the week. Press the Edit Weekly button [[image:edit_weekly_crop.PNG||height="30" width="87"]] to display the Recurrence Day selection menu. Check marks appear next to days that the Event will trigger. Press these check marks to disable the Event for these days. Once the desired days are selected, press the** **Update button** [[image:update_crop.PNG||height="30" width="30"]]** to confirm. After confirming, press the Save button [[image:save_crop.PNG||height="30" width="30"]] to save the changes. Now the Event will only trigger on the selected Recurrence Days.
11 +By default, any Events that a User creates will trigger every day of the week. To change this, press the box next to "Weekly Recurrence" underneath the "Recurrence Type" heading. A check mark will appear to indicate that a selection has been made. Once "Weeekly Recurrence" has been selected, press the "Edit Weekly" button to display the Recurrence Day selection menu. Check marks appear next to days that the Event will trigger. Press these check marks to disable the Event for these days. Once the desired days are selected, press the Update button to confirm. After confirming, press the "Save" button to save the changes. Now the Event will only trigger on the selected Recurrence Days.
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13 13  === Calendar ===
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15 -The Calendar Recurrence Type included with the SHOWRUNNER™ Advanced Scheduling option allows Users to create company-specific Calendars that take into account special events, seasonal scenes, and company holidays. To set up a Calendar-based recurrence, begin by pressing "Calendar" underneath the "Recurrence Type" heading. A check mark will appear to indicate that a selection has been made. If you have purchased Advanced Scheduling and the Calendar option is still grayed out, contact Chief Integrations.
15 +The Calendar Recurrence Type included with the SHOWRUNNER™ Advanced Scheduling Option allows Users to create a c
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17 -Press the **Edit Calendar button** to access the Event Calendar menu. The Event Calendar menu has two main sections: the Calendars/Calendar Groups section on the left and the Assigned Calendars/Calendar Groups section on the right.
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19 -==== Calendars/Calendar Groups ====
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21 -Within SHOWRUNNER™, the term //Calendar// refers to a single day or a collection of days that may or may not occur on the same dates each year. The rules determining what days and dates are part of a Calendar vary and can be very complex, and they will be explained in a separate section. A //Calendar Group// is simply a collection of Calendars. A Calendar Group makes it easy for a User to re-use the same group of Calendars for multiple Events without worrying about forgetting any particular holiday. Additionally, any changes made to a Calendar Group are automatically applied to any Event that utilizes that Calendar Group.
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23 -SHOWRUNNER™ Advanced Scheduling comes pre-loaded with major US Holidays, including all Federal Holidays. These are available to be selected on the left. All pre-loaded Calendars and Calendar Groups are read-only, meaning that they cannot be modified or deleted by Users. By selecting a pre-loaded Calendar and then pressing the **View button**, a User is able to see what the rules governing that Calendar are, aiding in the understanding of how to create a custom Calendar (this button is changed to an **Edit button** for User-created Calendars and Calendar Groups).
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25 -===== Calendars =====
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27 -To create a custom Calendar, press the **Calendar button** in the Event Calendar menu. Name the Calendar by editing the "Name" field. There are two possible rule sets to use when creating a new Calendar: Date Range and Date Type.
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29 -====== Date Range ======
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31 -Date Range is more straightforward and less complex than Date Pattern. Select it by pressing "Date Range" below the "Type" heading. Within Date Range, there are two options for selecting dates: Range and Specific Dates. To select a range of dates to include in the Calendar, begin by pressing "Range." A check mark will appear to indicate that Range has been selected. Then, press the **Calendar Icon button** to the right of "Begin On." Once the Calendar Icon has been pressed, select the beginning date of the date range by pressing the date in the blue calendar on the right. The **Arrow Icon buttons** will change the selected month, while the **Arrow Icon with Line buttons** will change the selected year. Press the **Calendar Icon button** to the right of "End On" and then select the end date from the blue calendar on the right. The selected beginning and ending dates will be listed next to the "Begin On" and "End On" text. Check the box next to "Recurs Annually" below the blue calendar to repeat this pattern every year; if this box is not selected, then the Calendar will only include these dates for the years on which they have been selected.
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33 -An alternative to using a Date Range is to use the Specific Dates option. To do this, press "Specific Dates." A check mark will appear to indicate that Specific Dates has been selected. Then, select the desired dates from the blue calendar on the right. Selected dates will be listed and appear in dark blue on the calendar. Similar to when a Date Range is selected, the **Arrow Icons and Arrow Icon with Line buttons** above the calendar will change the month and year, and the "Recurs Annually" option will make these dates repeat every year.
34 -
35 -Once the desired Date Range or Specific Dates have been selected, press the **Update button** to return to the Event Calendar menu.
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37 -====== Date Pattern ======
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39 -A Date Pattern can be used in lieu of a Date Range to determine which dates are included in a Calendar. To create a Calendar based on a Date Pattern, begin by pressing "Date Pattern." There are eight rule sets that can be applied to making a Date Pattern, and they can be used in any combination.
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41 -* **Calendar**: The Calendar option allows the selection of other Calendars or Calendar Groups, both pre-loaded and User-created.
42 -* **Month(s)**: The Month(s) option allows the selection of any combination of the twelve months in the Gregorian calendar.
43 -* **Week**: The Week option allows selection based on the numbered week of the month. There are eleven options.
44 -** First Week: The first week of the month begins on the first day of the month and ends on the first Saturday of the month.
45 -** Second, ..., Sixth Week: Weeks after the first week of the month begin on Sundays and end on Saturdays. For example, the Second Week of May 2020 runs from Sunday, May 3 until Saturday, May 9 and the Sixth Week of May 2020 is Sunday, May 31.
46 -** First Full Week: The first full week is the first Sunday through the first Saturday of the month. This option overlaps with the Second Week in months that do not begin on Sunday.
47 -** First Full Work Week: The first full work week is the first Monday through the first Friday of the month.
48 -** Last Week: The last week is from the last Sunday of the month until the last day of the month.
49 -** Last Full Week: The last full week runs from the last Saturday of the month until the preceding Sunday.
50 -** Last Full Work Week: The last full work week runs from the last Friday of the month until the preceding Monday.
51 -* **Week Day**: The Week Day option allows selection based on the specific day of the week, including options for Workdays (Monday through Friday), Weekends (Saturday and Sunday only), and All.
52 -* **Day**: The Day option allows the selection of specific, numbered days of the month.
53 -* **Year**: The Year option allows the selection of a specific year from the next two decades.
54 -* **Observance Day**: The Observance Day option applies only when the Calendar lands on a Saturday or Sunday and has three options.
55 -** Before: The Event will trigger the Friday before the selected date.
56 -** After: The Event will trigger the Monday after the selected date.
57 -** Before or After: If the Calendar lands on a Saturday, the Event will trigger the Friday before. If the Calendar lands on a Sunday, the Event will trigger the Monday after.
58 -* **Day Offset**: The Day Offset option allows triggering hte event between 1 and 31 days before the selected date. This is useful in cases where the schedule changes for an entire week.
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60 -To enable any of these settings, press the **Hamburger Icon buttons** on the right. Once settings have been enabled, a check mark will appear in the boxes on the left and a summary of the rules will be given by the "Description" heading on the bottom of the screen. Press the **X Icon button** next to the Hamburger Icon button to clear that selection.
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62 -Once the desired Date Pattern has been set up, press the **Update button** to return to the Event Calendar menu.
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64 -===== Calendar Groups =====
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66 -To create a custom Calendar Group, press the **Group button** in the Event Calendar menu.
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68 -Select a Calendar from the list on the left and use the **Right Arrow button** to add it to the Calendar Group. To remove a Calendar from the Calendar Group, select it from the list on the right and press the **Left Arrow button**. Once all the desired Calendars have been added, name the Calendar Group by editing the field below "Group Name" and then press the **Save button** to return to the Event Calendar menu.
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70 -==== Assigned Calendars/Calendar Groups ====
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72 -Calendars can be added to two lists: Inclusion Calendars and Exclusion Calendars. Until a Calendar is added to one of these lists, it will have no impact on whether or not an Event will trigger on any particular day. To add or remove a Calendar or Calendar Group from an Inclusion or Exclusion list, select the desired Calendar or Calendar Group from the list on the left and then press the corresponding **Right Arrow button** to add it to a list. Select a Calendar or Calendar Group that has been added to a list and then press the corresponding **Left Arrow button** to remove it from that list.
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74 -===== Inclusion/Exclusion Calendars =====
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76 -An Event will trigger on any dates that are included in any Calendars or Calendar Groups that have been added to the Inclusion Calendars list unless that date is also included in a Calendar or Calendar Group that has been added to the Exclusion Calendars list (the Exclusion Calendars list overrules the Inclusion Calendars list). For example, if a User were to add the United States Federal Holidays Calendar Group to the Inclusion Calendars list and then add the Independence Day (Observed) Calendar to the Exclusion Calendars list, then the Event would trigger on every US Federal Holiday except for Independence Day (Observed).
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78 78  === Weekly and Calendar ===
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80 -The Weekly and Calendar Recurrence Type included with the SHOWRUNNER™ Advanced Scheduling Option is a combination of the Weekly Recurrence and Calendar options. To set up a Weekly and Calendar recurrence, begin by pressing "Weekly and Calendar" underneath the "Recurrence Type" heading. A check mark will appear to indicate that a selection has been made. If you have purchased Advanced Scheduling and the Calendar option is still grayed out, contact Chief Integrations.
19 +asdf
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82 -With the Weekly and Calendar Recurrence Type selected, both the "Edit Calendar" and "Edit Weekly" options are enabled. Creating new Calendars or Calendar Groups is the same process as with the Calendar Recurrence Type selected. Likewise, the **Edit Weekly button** behaves the same as with the Weekly Recurrence Type selected. The difference between the Calendar and the Weekly and Calendar Recurrence types is in how the Inclusion Calendar list and Exclusion Calendar list behave.
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84 -With no Calendars or Calendar Groups added to either the Inclusion Calendar or Exclusion Calendar list, the Event will trigger only on the days specified in the Recurrence Days menu accessed by pressing the **Edit Weekly button**. Adding a Calendar or Calendar Group to the Exclusion Calendar list will ensure that the Event never triggers on those dates. Adding a Calendar or Calendar Group to the Inclusion Calendar list will ensure that the Event only triggers on those dates, and only if those dates fall on one of the days specified in the Recurrence Days menu. For example, a Weekly and Calendar recurrence with Monday through Friday as Recurrence Days and Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day added to the Inclusion Calendar list will never trigger, because Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day are always on a Sunday and thus will never fall between Monday and Friday. To have an Event trigger on Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day in addition to regular weekdays, the User should instead use a Calendar Recurrence and create a custom "Wordays" Calendar, and then add both the new "Workdays" Calendar and the desired holidays to the Inclusion Calendars list. Deselecting a day in the Recurrence Days menu is equivalent to creating a Calendar consisting of those weekdays and adding them to the Exclusion Calendar list.
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86 86  = Resources =
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88 88  (Youtube Video in Progress)
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90 -(UI Guide pdf)
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92 -(Links to Event Configuration, other parts of wikI)
24 +(UI Guide)
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